An apeal...An Apeal!

Discussion in 'Politics' started by WAEL012000, Jul 21, 2006.

  1. All over the place? Hmmm... seemed like a pretty straight forward question to me. The question is this, if you want me to restate it.

    Lets' say you accomplish your goal and wipe Israel off the map.

    What are you going to do about Canada, with all its rich powerful Jews and all the negative influences for young Muslims here?

    Wow, wael... it still seem like a pretty straightforward question!!

    Now don't do a zEvader on us!!! I know you are more of a man than that.

    PS - I just found this quote by you - now do you understand why I am asking this question?

    #131     Aug 3, 2006
  2. Wael,

    Don't think just do. Shave your head, wrap yourself in a robe, grab a flower, and go outside and find tanks moving with a news camera nearby. Have a friend come with you with a video camera for back up and do this....

    #132     Aug 3, 2006
    #133     Aug 3, 2006
  4. haha

    this quote

    I'm not sure how to reconcile this with the post you just made. Thanks for the reply, anyway. Better than what zEvader would have done, which is post a picture of a rabbit in response.

    To be honest with you, this is as disturbing as anything I have seen you say. You don't see any intellectual dishonesty in Z's methods??

    The fact is, he is the ultimate example of it. If he was just a run-of-the-mill ass, no one would bother with him.
    #134     Aug 3, 2006

    Hmmmm ... then there's this...

    Main Entry: Zi·on·ism
    Pronunciation: 'zI-&-"ni-z&m
    Function: noun
    : an international movement originally for the establishment of a Jewish nation

    So, by inference.....

    No posting with a smiley in response to this one, wael, don't you think?
    #135     Aug 3, 2006
    #136     Aug 3, 2006
  7. That is what dddooo and the rest of the hard core zionist on this forum are trying to sell!

    The truth is the following;

    The Zionist Movement is a pure colonial movement that had used, and is still using, Judaism to serve its unlawful purposes. Zionism is not a representation of Judaism or a fulfillment of a Judicial prophecy. Decades of Zionist propaganda have misrepresented Zionism as a progressive, modern force bringing civilization to an arid, uninhabited wasteland; such an image is an illusion. Zionism is an apartheid philosophy. Its founder, Theodore Herzl, was dismayed by the mass anti-Semitism in France aroused by the Dreyfuss affair. He became convinced that the separation of the Jews from the Gentiles by ingathering all Jews in a separate Jewish nation was the only solution to the age old "Jewish problem."

    It was obvious from the beginning of Zionism that dispossession of the Palestinian majority, either politically or physically, would be an inevitable requirement for achieving a Jewish state. It was not only land that was needed to reach Zionism's goal, but land without another people in the majority. Since Palestinian Arabs were by far the majority throughout the period up to Israel's establishment as a Jewish state in 1948, the Zionist state could emerge only by denying the majority its rights or by becoming the majority, either through immigration, or in reducing the number of Palestinians by ethnic cleansing; what is happening now."

    This opinion is not only carried by Arabs and muslims and christians...Many, many Jews share the same belive!! It is a shame that these Jews are attacked by Zionists more viciously than we are!!
    #137     Aug 3, 2006
  8. Wael has recognized LoZZZer's evil to some extent, in the past:

    Quote from WAEL012000:

    Why are you doing this Z? I hate seeing acting in such a vindictive way man.

    RM was honest enough to share his personal experience and you are using such honesty against him! This is low!!
    #138     Aug 3, 2006