AMZN Brutally Assaulted by CA

Discussion in 'Wall St. News' started by shortie, Jun 29, 2011.

  1. Ridiculous.

    Big corps don't pay taxes cause of the IRS rules not the state tax rules.

    Pure ignorance. There is something called the Commerce Clause in the Constitution....

    Imposing a sales tax collection requirement on a business outside a state shipping goods in is a violation of the Constitution.

    The states already tried to collect taxes from out of state and the Supreme Court already decided the Quill Corp. v. North Dakota back in 1992. In Quill Corps. v. North Dakota the Supreme Court ruled that a business must have a physical presence in a state for that state to require it to collect sales taxes. There is no way today's Supreme Court will overturn that decision if a new case even made it that far.

    Now the states could have an easier time of it but they allowed every town to impose their own add-ons, so instead of 50 state taxes to collect there are thousands and thousands of different rates across the U.S.

    I wish they had actual news on instead of say Casey Anthony ... maybe people would learn something useful instead of getting spoon fed useless crap. Our media sucks just as bad as our politicians.
    #21     Jul 3, 2011
  2. the problem is USA sometimes is one country, and sometimes is 50 countries. disharmony creates ineffciency, which corporations duly exploit to receive free money.
    #22     Jul 4, 2011
  3. LeeD


    News on TV is primarily for entertainment. Even on Bloomberg TV and CNBC most features are there to provide background noise for when the market is quiet.
    #23     Jul 4, 2011
  4. LeeD


    If we are talking about "free money" for corporations, it's just an accounting trick. Large corporations often have thousands of companies in their corporate structure, some of which are non-profit organisations. Acounting allows leaving most of the profit in offshore subsidiaries. Another trick is setting high reserve for future losses; effectively delaying declaring profit till remote future.

    Using the above a company may be making money but appear in accounting documents as loosing money... and thus be aligible for tax credits and other subsidies.
    #24     Jul 4, 2011
  5. Eight


    'dunno... a friend of mine studies patterns in the news. They seem to coordinate attacks on people and places and fail to do much investigative reporting on things..
    #25     Jul 4, 2011
  6. LeeD


    Investigative reporting is expensive. Buying videostream (with comments and inherent bias) from a news provider like Reuters is cheap in comparison. That's why every single channel shows totally inconsequential news pieces like a baby elephant born in an Australian zoo.

    Another difficulty with investigative reporting is most channels inherit some sort of bias from their owners. Any serious investigation has a chance of uncovering something of consequence that the channel owners would rather not see on the news.
    #26     Jul 4, 2011
  7. Arnie


    You're the one with the flawed analogy. State/local taxes are for services like police, roads, fire & rescue. Why should an out of state co have to pay for that? They are alreayd paying for those in their home state. The B&M business is taxed because they use those services. Do you pay your home state taxes on your out of state purchases? Didn't think so.
    #27     Jul 5, 2011
  8. It's not the out-of-state company paying: it's the local resident. Since when did company's pay sales tax?

    That's the whole issue - if I buy something from a vendor out-of-state and don't pay use tax on it, it still needs to get delivered to me, using local roads, using local resources. The use of those local resources is not being paid for when you purchase from another state.
    #28     Jul 5, 2011
  9. >>>
    cut ties with 10,000 California marketing affiliates to avoid collecting a new state tax, according to a report released late Wednesday. The Los Angeles Times said that the tax would force Amazon to collect California state sales tax on purchases made through the affiliates

    can't really understand why Amazon fired CA associates. just lower their advertisement cut by the amount of state tax.

    i guess Amazon wants to piss off as many people as possible so that they complain to CA law makers.
    #29     Jul 5, 2011
  10. Eight


    It's a pissing contest between Bezos and Jerry Brown the governor of Ca:

    Brown: I'm a Jesuit, better pay up or bad things could happen to you Bezos!

    Bezos: I went to the Builderberger conference buddy, better watch yo' back or I'll have people go all ghetto on yo' ass...

    Brown: Oh yeah, I might talk to God about your immortal soul!!

    Bezos: Talk to Him about your eternal taxation while you're at it...
    #30     Jul 5, 2011