AMP platform demos

Discussion in 'Retail Brokers' started by RXIS, Feb 4, 2019.

  1. RXIS


    Has anyone had difficulty getting the platform demos to operate with AMP Futures? I can't seem to get any of them up and running to test other than MT5.
  2. CALLumbus


    Just contact them via chat, they will help you to solve your problems.
  3. AMP_Futures

    AMP_Futures ET Sponsor

  4. Hi i am coming from thinkorswim and have NT 7 and signed up to iqfeed for data . BUt amp told me i cant trade from nt7 . . Dont really want 2 platforms or not iqfeed will run 2 platforms . Any suggestions on how make trades ?
  5. AMP_Futures

    AMP_Futures ET Sponsor

    If you purchased the lifetime license before March 11, 2015, you can use N**** at AMP.

    Here are the limitations set by N****:

    If you allowed to use at AMP, we will for sure take good care of you!
  6. Overnight


    Good grief man, are you guys forced to be so insulated from NT that you have to censor the name of their broker/software in your typing?

    Wow. Dan C and Raymond D must have really gone at it in a mosh pit.

  7. AMP_Futures

    AMP_Futures ET Sponsor

  8. RXIS

