Ameritrade to buy Datek

Discussion in 'Retail Brokers' started by amunateg, Apr 7, 2002.

  1. Really...and with a market like this I would've thought the opposite - that in a year's time, there would be very few day traders left let alone investors.
    #11     Apr 9, 2002
  2. a 1/4 a week on 10000 shares is 2500 a pop. 5 times a month is 10 gs. If the masses ever realize this way of making money is available they will make trading a new past time. With 4 x buying power you could rsk an 1/8th on a trade on the downside and milk the upside in a tight trading market. We are in a negative market and most traders feel special but when the market stabilizes move over because the grannies will be trading next to you.

    Trading is catching on as a viable way to make money. The only people making money in the market now are traders. How much will these companies pay for your account?.... alot.

    I saw an infomecrcial for a trading system last sunday and it was cheezy for wise trading. It mad no sense but it made it seem simple. Move over here comes granny.
    #12     Apr 9, 2002
  3. 10gs a week. Imagine that.

    And just increase your secret formula to 1/2 on 20000 shares is 10,000 a pop. 8 times a month is a million buckaroos in a year.

    Whoa granny, move over, everyone's gonna be a millionaire when this market stabilizes.

    Unless we keep our secret quiet...shhhhh...
    #13     Apr 10, 2002
  4. myoffices, you are forgetting the statistics that show that 80-90 percent of traders chronically lose money. That has been confirmed in numerous surveys. The stock market and the futures markets don't make new money they just transfer it from one account to another. If millions of new people enter the market to trade the MMs and Wallstreet firms will just think up more new ways to create volatility and whipsaws to seperate the trader and his money. My opinion on the matter is that the only reason that Wallstreet has so much money is that they, the institutions, have figured out a legal way to steal it from the masses. If you don't agree with me, then tell me this: where else is the money coming from if not the pockets of unsuspecting investors/traders?
    #14     Apr 13, 2002

  5. The money comes from mutual fund sales, managed money products and pensions;)
    #15     Apr 13, 2002
  6. It is a known truth that most traders lose money statistically however that is due to the odds we present in the real world. Every trade is 50/50 percent win or lose- profit or gain. The institiutions make up the bulk of the market and if a trader expects to be profitable they have to understand the dynamics of the players. Where there is a profit to be made there is activity. The market shows activity and also profits for some. SO when you trade and tell others how well you have done, know that the only thing on their mind is how can I make some money for myself. It is catching on and trading will become a past time. Who needs vegas when you have the market is the thinking going on.

    Businesses fail everday and yet every day new businesses start as well. Trading generates revenue and is therefore a business.
    SO traders make room for Granny!!!
    #16     Apr 15, 2002