MyFriends... Please forgive this post here, but I did not know which section to place it... Just thought I would drop in to wish youALL a WonderfulThanksgiving... I know each and everyone has at least one thing to be Thankful for... my case....too many to list. I think WE are all stronger after what happened on 9/11 and weALL can be thankful to America'sHeros....YouKnowThem!! ....and the Bastards who did this can reap their rewards... ((((( Does NOT show bodies...))))) If you have not seen these....TakeTheTime....LetThemLoad AGAIN...OurBestWishes and GOD BLESS TheUnitedStatesOfAmerica Rocky&Rita
Rock, God bless you and the wife. God bless us all. We have come far since Sept. 11. Many many miles to go before we sleep. Have a safe & happy holiday. FIREHAWK
God Bless USA and her allies. May the Evil Doers be smoked out and destroyed... and that we will do ... make no mistake about it. Happy Thanksgiving All, Candle
Rock, When I clicked on your first link at about 3:00pm, my eyes teared up to the point where the charts on the adjacent screen were just a blurred mass of red and green. Happy Thanksgiving to All
Rock, The stuff from Chris was awesome. Thanks for the link. God Bless America and all Civilised Countries. And may the Evil Ones be destroyed, for they are worse than ticks on the back of a rat with bubonic plague. Candle
Thanks for the posts! I'm Thankful for my country, my friends, and my family. And I'm Thankful that my Uncle/Godfather from Engine 65 NYC Fire Dept is still with us. If anyone has the Oct 1 issue of People magazine, they can read his story. He's the one with the sling on his arm, missing a tooth. God Bless America.
Rock, the other link was good too. As they say, out of misery emerge happiness. I think we'll get Osama soon. Once we've finished the evil Afghans off, we should then destroy Iraq, Iran, Syria, Libya and Pakistan. Then the world will be at peace and terrorism will be defeated. God Bless America and the Civilised World.
Hopefully we will soon be rid of the evil that is Al Qaeda and the Taliban regime. As they sow, so shall they reap. My thoughts are with all those innocent lives that were so cruelly taken, and the families left devastated. The strength and courage of the American people will prevail. God Bless America Cut Your Losses (England)