America's public servants are now its masters

Discussion in 'Economics' started by Tom B, Sep 10, 2010.

  1. MKTrader


    I fixed it for you. I even made one big run-on sentence to fit with your grammatical skills (or lack thereof).
    #31     Sep 10, 2010
  2. Who cares about the civil service. GS grade isn't anything but pushing paper. SES are congressional picks and actually have responsabilities.

    But, the pay is damn good for 12-14s.

    But once again, who gives a shit. I mean HOODMAN worked for NASA. And see how much damage OBAMA has done to NASA, its a talking peace for ISLAm Now
    #32     Sep 10, 2010
  3. MKTrader


    I care because many are overpaid, almost impossible to fire, able to retire at a young age and perhaps double-dip, and we can't afford to grow that sector any longer.
    #33     Sep 10, 2010
  4. MK, I agree with you.

    But what can we do? I mean seriously. It's like being in a loosing trade. The only thing you can do is get out of your loosing trade. So, all we can do is focuse on our own net worth. Taxes will be here and will go up to pay for Civil Services.

    The Civil Services are being cut huge. The news will not hit the headlines yet. The next big phase of layoffs is coming from the Civil Services.

    But my parents worked hard to make it to the top of the food chain in the Civil Service and it treated them well. But they also say it needs to be changed. Yet, fools who hate Regan are the ones voting people like OBAMA in.

    So, let the country reap what it soes. Producers, capitalist and those who know how to make money will continue to do just that, regardless of what the rest of American's do.

    I guess you can vote ...but I've given up on voting. I'm focuse on the on going process of building my net worth. This isn't a collective society...this now has become fend for yourselves.

    Maybe one day the house will be put in order...but I doubt it.
    Politics is a crooked game, on both sides of the isle.

    So, in the end it comes down to the much money do you have and did you earn it in a responsible and ethical mannor.

    And when the real end can't take it with do the right thing and leave it to someone who will respect and continue to grow the wealth you leave behind. Not squander it.
    #34     Sep 10, 2010
  5. the Government Employee is not where the theft goes on. It's the peddling of influence... law firms and news networks employing government employees or offering future employment for influence today.

    Lobbyists make $500K
    Ex Military go to work as a consultant for a prime contractor.

    There are no arms length transactions and a plethora of conflicts of interest. You can blame the employee for making their $60K wage but up the food chain are secret stock options, kick backs and other dirty deals.
    #35     Sep 10, 2010
  6. Obama does not want to redistributed the wealth. At least not what most of us think. The wealth is taking for the working class to the unions and corporations
    #36     Sep 10, 2010
  7. Umm, was a fat pension, paid for by chump taxpayers, another reason by any chance?
    #37     Sep 10, 2010
  8. MKTrader


    Yes it is. If you know how much we're paying each one (salary + generous benefits) plus how much they're likely to get out of taxpayers with their pensions (hint: "retirement" age isn't even tied to increasing life expetancies), it's huge.

    As I said earlier, not all are lazy, but many do little work (by choice or simply because there's nothing to do). We're paying for tens of thousands who would be cut in the private sector because they add no value. And we'll be paying for decades...
    #38     Sep 11, 2010
  9. achilles28


    On average, federal employees make twice as much as their private sector counterparts.

    It's a total fucking scam.

    The Garden State is the canary in the coalmine.
    #39     Sep 11, 2010
  10. I suggest your next thread be titled

    "How I plan to off myself and reduce my burden on the taxpayers".
    #40     Sep 11, 2010