America's Outrageous War Economy!

Discussion in 'Wall St. News' started by sho-tim, Aug 19, 2008.

  1. jjf


    Who thinks that US will be in better shape in four years time.

    Going into 2012 election do you think that US will be in better shape than it is right now.
    #21     Aug 19, 2008
  2. gnome


    Not a chance... unless the Gummint makes a major shift toward fiscal conservatism and responsibility. :mad:
    #22     Aug 19, 2008
  3. bxptone


    Saudi Arabia, lol, the ONE middle eastern country NOONE talks about going to war with. I read not too long ago, I think it was an MSNBC article, how they still teach in their schools, that the West are infedels and their enemy lol. Some freinds and allies. I think theirs plenty of pictures on the net of Bush hugging them and being all buddy buddy with them too, not too long after a few of their citizens decided to go all suicidal. It's like the pictures of Donald Rumsfeld and the Bush sr. meeting and shaking hands with Suddam Hussein back in the 80's. Oh lol remember back in the 80's when Bush Sr. the ex CIA guy, was VP and we ended up training Osama Bin Laden?

    Wait, why is Bush even bombing the Middle East? Seems like he does more for them then he does us. I don't get it and it's the same Republican war mongers that vote for Bush, whose all buddy buddy with our enemies? Kinda reminds me what happend after we left Vietnam and all the Republicans ran right in after the war and started doing business with those darn commies! Wait, sorta like they do with those great human loving Chinese! Lol anyone see whats been going on during the olympics? Lol and they call liberals, commie lovers?

    This world sure is confursing :confused:
    #23     Aug 19, 2008

  4. They were scammed saudi passports, not legit. criminals remember?

    #24     Aug 19, 2008

  5. Because you either have morals or you don't. You either understand that 'pre-emptive strike' will lead to annihilation of our species or you don't. You either recognize the fact the we, the USA, are the world's largest arms producer, largest arms exporter, and responsible for most of the military deaths since 1950, and that we account for over 52% of total military spending in the world...or you don't. What happended on 9/11 is miniscule to the havoc WE have caused.

    I cannot say that I haven't NEVER met a Conservative who wasn't very Intelligent and Educated beyond the average person. However, I can say that I've NEVER met a liberal who WASN'T more Intelligent and better Educated than the average person. In short, I have NEVER met a 'stupid' (IQ or educationally) 'Liberal'.
    #25     Aug 19, 2008
  6. I'm sorry you are stupid
    #26     Aug 19, 2008
  7. pic to go with your post

    Question for you Bush supporters:
    How do you feel about him kissing the head of the country who sent 15 terrorists to attack us? What would have you said if the shoe was on the other foot and it was a Democrat doing this? Anyone have the balls to answer honestly?
    #27     Aug 19, 2008
  8. Yes. Saudi Arabia did not send people to attack. Every Arab country has some large ultraconservative groups that have their own agenda. Pakistan is tangling with them in the western provinces. Russia struggled with Chechnya. Egypt govt struggles against them.

    Remember the 9/11 terrorists trained in the USA to fly the planes, and we didn't know it until too late?
    #28     Aug 20, 2008
  9. RhinoGG

    RhinoGG Guest

    He may not be a smart man, Jenn-nay, but he does know what Deism is.
    #29     Aug 20, 2008
  10. US Legal System is specifically designed to find a way to prosecute anybody AG office wants to. US Law Enforcement can seize all assets that belong to criminals. The AG office has thousands of Ivy League trained monkeys. There's got to be some dumb-ass law with precedents going back to 1700's which would allow to declare all proceeds from selling oil illegal and subject to seizure by Govt. The dumb-ass punks federal judges can do anything they want anyways, why can't they just annex all oil producing properties in the middle east just like they did with land that used to belong to native people of this country.
    #30     Aug 20, 2008