Americans renouncing citizenship in UK, 6 months backlog!

Discussion in 'Economics' started by hippie, Aug 3, 2010.

  1. bob, it doesn't make sense for a middle-class family.

    it starts making sense, if you're a young successful trader...

    ...and it starts making a lot of sense if you're a dual national already somewhere else.
    #11     Aug 3, 2010
  2. Bob111


    i'm making low six figures in trading and i do have dual convince me that it does make sense for me and my whole family to move and give up US citizenship..just show me one good country,where plenty of jobs,great health care,people in general are happy and smiling,low crime,cheap goods and good quality food and very low taxes. don't forget good quality internet.. as i said-explain to me in details,what i'm going to get in this exchange...
    what i'm trying to say is very simple-there no good country.. no more...they all same shit. some better, some worse..
    i can go back to mother russia and pay 13% flat tax regardless..but for some reason i prefer pay more here...maybe because it's worth it?
    #12     Aug 3, 2010
  3. Australia and New Zealand. Seriously, a large majority of residents in those two countries don't bitch about much of anything there. Prices of real estate have skyrocketed and there are some cost of living issues depending upon the area, but nonetheless, I'd say it passes your checklist.
    #13     Aug 3, 2010
  4. Bob111


    that's because they are too far away,on middle of nowhere and no one would listen them anyway :p
    i see that in NZ -there is no capital gain tax,but-

    as for rest of the taxes-same shit as US, if not worse(in NZ goods probably cost way more than in US. and im certain about it in Australia)

    immigration proccess is similar to US-

    same restrictions for work in NZ during this period and this-
    obviously people from US not going to qualify for refugees(yet)
    and i doubt that trading your own account would qualify as a great skill..

    #14     Aug 3, 2010
  5. People are tied to their country of birth in deep and complex ways, and severing these links has consequences. If you grow to regret your decision to resign as an American, advisers warn that is difficult to become one again as you will be treated like any other non-resident alien of the US.

    “The cons are clear,” concludes Deloitte’s Mr Jones. “If you give up a US passport, you take the chance that you will never be able to go back to live and work in the US again.”

    All becoming UK citizens. Muslim immigrants, African immmigrants, American immigrants, noooooo we are doooooomed
    #15     Aug 3, 2010
  6. Jeff700


    You are forgetting your friendly neighbor AIPAC that slithered into all channels of power in USA

    They didn't do that just for whiskey and BBQ you know. :cool:
    #16     Aug 3, 2010
  7. pspr


    I don't know about New Zealand but Austraila has those deadly funnel web spiders that supposedly like to move in with people. That's enough for me to stay away!
    #17     Aug 4, 2010
  8. I'm in Canada but was born in the US. I am a dual citizen and am strongly considering renouncing my US citizenship, it's an absolute burden.
    #18     Aug 4, 2010