Americans ‘Hooked’ on Government Benefits

Discussion in 'Wall St. News' started by ASusilovic, Oct 28, 2011.

  1. $10,000 x 300M people -> $3T
    #11     Oct 28, 2011
  2. Stok


    Ahhh...the Democratic party in ackshun. These ass clowns figured this out back in the "Great Society"...the more people you give hands out from the guberment...the more votes you get!! Briiilllllliiiiaaaannnnntttttttt!!

    There wouldn't be a democratic party without two things:

    1.) gubernmnet handouts (which is robbing success and give to non-success for votes & power).
    2.) unions (i'll scratch your back if you scratch mine).

    The democratic party is the most thuggish, power hungry, lying political party...and when the history books are written on the collapse of America, the finger will point right at the liberals. Just like every other failed socialists state in the history of mankind. We are getting a front row view right now with Europe. We are next.

    Obumo for 2012 anyone??
    #12     Oct 28, 2011
  3. Freedom, hard work, individual initiative and responsibility... THAT'S what made America great. Now, not. The OWS crowd represents the majority of what is wrong in America today. Sad.

    Not all that different from the former Soviet Union before its collapse... few in America can see it, however.

    (Yes, I know... we're not standing in line for our ration of potatoes and toilet paper... not yet, anyway.)
    #13     Oct 28, 2011
  4. Depends how you define benefit. SSN is not a benefit as we are taxed to pay for it, and our employers pay into it which is lost wages for the employee. Same with unemployment. Employers are taxed to pay for it and that money is lost wages for the employee. So-called "Veterans benefits" are definitively not benefits. Those of us that are veterans paid in spades for any education or health-care services provided to veterans.
    A benefit would go to someone like Trump. A guy pretending to be a corporation who continually runs his business into the ground, and then get's to "reorganize" to do it all over again. Now that's a benefit!
    #14     Oct 28, 2011
  5. That would be true if the taxes collected for SSN were actually saved. But they weren't, they were spent. Worse, they were spent on things that eventual SSN beneficiaries have been directly benefiting from.

    That is the practical definition of double-dipping.

    So yes, it is perfectly fair to put future SSN payments in the category of benefits.
    #15     Oct 28, 2011
  6. MKTrader


    1) SSI is part of SS (though from a different fund). It's a handout, pure and simple. Here's the link again about a "worthy" recipient:

    2) VA benefits "not benefits"? What does that mean? I'm not sure, but I know plenty of people who are perfectly healthy, who run, work out, etc., but are 50%+ "disabled" per the VA and get plenty of "benefits" from it. The VA rep even told my group of retiring/separating military personnel how to milk the system to get the largest possible "disability." I refused to play that game, but many did.
    #16     Oct 28, 2011
  7. Somebody give me a refresher on "the New Deal" Why was SS,medicare, and all that even started in the first place? Was there any entitlements similar to this at any point in world history before the new deal?

    Seems like the "tit of the government" had flopped out for everybody to suck on after this point and it has been down hill as far as handouts go ever since.
    #17     Oct 28, 2011
  8. ammo


    they used that as a reason to collect taxes,probably planning to profit on the deal,only works if they actually make money and only steal the profits, they took ...who knows
    #18     Oct 28, 2011
  9. Medicare was started because the private sector refused to provide medical insurance to elderly people.

    Social Security was started to prevent the US from devolving into a second Civil War.
    #19     Oct 28, 2011
  10. MKTrader


    SS began under FDR. It was influenced by a German model.

    Medicare came later, under that other awful prez with his own raw deal (LJB and his "Great Society.").

    The taxes to support SS have gone up around sixfold from where they started.

    Medicare cost 10X more than it was supposed to from its initial projection (mid 60s to early 90s). I'm sure it's gotten much further from its trajectory since then.
    #20     Oct 28, 2011