AMERICAN viewpoints on the Iraq Crisis

Discussion in 'Politics' started by hapaboy, Jan 19, 2003.

  1. Hey bung, be the FIRST among the oil-conspiracists and illustrate for us why Bush is going after all that "friggin" oil and the historical precedents that lead you to such a conclusion.
    Please, please, please, I'm beggin' ya........
    #51     Jan 30, 2003
  2. Rigel


    Maybe it's the conclusion he's come to because in his experience of the world it's all he knows.
    If Bush tried to steal those peoples oil me and about 200 million other Americans would vote his ass out of office so fast it would make his head spin. No major power trips allowed here. :p
    Absolute power corrupts absolutely. If he's tempted to corruption beyond his ability to resist he will be replaced and fade back into the woodwork. That's how a democracy works.
    Also, no mans or country's actions can be justified by their own authority. They can only be justified an authority that is higher than themselves.
    #52     Jan 30, 2003
  3. See, now, this is good. I was tired tired of all this flag-waving "let's blow their asses off the map" bullshit, and I'm glad that we can get down to tacks finally...

    If Bush is so concerned about Iraq, either because of Saddam or because of the way he treats his people, then why is he (apparently) ignoring other countries, like Algeria?? It'd stand to reason that similar countries to Iraq in N Africa would also be targeted along with iraq. Algeria has 1)terrorist training camps everywhere; and 2)oppressed citizens without any civil rights.

    That is my whole point, and that is why I suggested that invading Iraq didn't seem all-too-different to me than Iraq invading Kuwait.

    To me, the Bush fascination with Iraq is a bit weird. I can imagine that whenever W and his dad are on the phone, one of them being like "Hey, what do you think Saddam's doing right now??"

    I'm not suggesting at all that Bush is trying to "steal" anything. When I imply that he is going after oil, I mean that it would be in the oil industry's best interests to have a friendly regime in Iraq to work with and pump oil.

    The cheaper oil is, more gets pumped, and the drillers earn more profit.
    #53     Jan 30, 2003
  4. ElCubano


    It just doesnt make sense...Im not saying its about oil or it isnt. But I can say with a bit more conviction that its not about terrorism...For one fighting terrorism is done at home ( and we have yet to beef up border patrol on either side ). Second a War ( without the international community) will cause terrorism to flourish ( ie, then it cant be about terrorism ) .....SO ONCE AND FOR ALL WHAT IS IT ABOUT???? can someone offer the true reason.......
    #54     Jan 30, 2003
  5. Hmmm.

    Right now, the drillers in Texas, with fixed costs, are making a shitload more money at 34 bucks a barrell, than at the 18 or so it will be after a war.
    #55     Jan 30, 2003
  6. oops...sorry

    i meant "refiners"

    my bad
    #56     Jan 30, 2003
  7. The least credible claim is that Saddam is in bed with Al Qaeda.

    Why would Saddam hook up with them?
    He already runs his own country with an iron fist. How would he gain from such a relationship and why would he even tolerate these people, who seek host countries with weak governance. Saddam is not motivated by Islamic fury. Far from it. His is a secular dictatorship.

    Further, he knows that aiding and abetting terrorism would seal his fate with the international community. Even the French and the Krauts, I mean, Germans, would vote for intervention in such a case.

    Al Qeada has as its members those who seek to overthrow secular governments in the Middle East and create a theocracy.

    The Al Qaeda connection is bs.

    Saddam made the mistake of being the

    1) The wrong person - a dangerous dictator with expansionist designs.

    2) In the wrong place - the oil rich Middle East.

    3) At the wrong time - During the reign of George Bush and the aftermath of 9/11.

    The guy is fucked, plucked and shucked. He just doesn't know it yet.
    #57     Jan 30, 2003

  8. Those are some major assumptions.

    Why is fighting terrorism always "done at home?" If a well funded terrorist gets a suitcase nuke, what are the odds of stopping him from getting into a country as open and porous as the United States? If they get in and press the button, there is no fight, it's over in less than a thousandth of a second and we lose. Millions dead in a finger snap.

    Saddam has been lusting for nukes for over twenty years now. If he eventually establishes nuclear capability, what are the odds of him NOT providing technology and weaponry to Al Qaida or Hezbollah or some other group that wants to see Israel and/or the US burned to a crisp, or pushing the button himself? Remember, he's not like you or me- he's nuts.

    Liberals assure us that Saddam means no harm (except to his own people), in spite of historical evidence. I'm sorry, but I'm not willing to just cross my fingers and hope it doesn't end up with Jerusalem or Chicago or Los Angeles wiped off the map. You can argue that there's no connection, you can argue that it doesn't mean anything that he's given direct support to suicide bombers and that the Czechs stand firm in allegations of Al Qaida operatives in baghdad, but you know what? Russian Roulette is a dumb game, even if there are a hundred chambers in the gun.

    And it's not like we are going in there and kicking his ass with no warning! SADDAM'S ACTIONS ARE A HUGE RED WARNING LIGHT IN ITSELF. Going back to 1991, how many times have the international community asked Saddam to disarm? Hell, to pretty please disarm with sugar and a cherry on top? About ten thousand times now? How many chances have we given this asshole to prove that he does NOT want to eventually start another war by giving up his weapons and his labs? And what has he basically said every time? Fuck You, I'm keeping my stash! This guy has one of the ugliest histories since hitler, he demonstrates that his access to weapons of war is of a higher priority than anything, even his own life, and we are supposed to be chill with that? Why would he be so @#$@#$ intent on keeping his chemical weapons and staying on his march to nuclear capability, in the face of everything, starving his own people, even obliteration? Hmmm? Maybe because he's a confirmed psycho who has nothing to live for other than dreams of glory that include mushroom clouds?

    And why will a war "cause terrorism to flourish?" I doubt that it's possible for Osama Bin Laden & co. to possibly hate us any more than he does now. Muslim Fundamentalists are pretty much maxed out in the hate category, and they've demonstrated a desire to destroy us whether we go to war or not, in fact, pretty much regardless of what we do, as long as we continue to prosper as a nation and maintain ties with Israel. So where is the new wave of hate going to come from?

    OH, WAIT!!!! Maybe France and Russia will start a new wave of terror after the war, as revenge against the US for invalidating the lucrative oil contracts they signed with Saddam as a bribe for letting him slide.

    And furthermore, what happens if we do back down? Why would terrorism "flourish" any less in the face of our spinelessness? Talk about a boost of encouragement. Al Qaida's attack on the WTC was based on an assumption of american weakness in the first place. Bully psychology dictates that they are encouraged by a pansy-ass response. If you show fear to a mongrel, he's even more likely to tear into you. United States has no spine, blackmail free for all, get your nukes here!

    But no, it's not about any of this, it's about some frigging oil drillers in texas getting some coin on the side, right? Bush wants to help out Cheney and Halliburton ten years from now (that's at least how long it will take to get Iraq's shit infrastructure up to speed), and he wants to line the pockets of the rest of the international community too (who will benefit from more oil just as much as we do, and will be in there fighting for the contracts), and he wants to spend $200 billion and see American troops die and maybe lose his chance at reelection because of the huge additional strain put on the economy, all to make A COUPLE BUCKS FOR THE GOOD OLE BOY NETWORK. Give me a break.

    But oh, I forgot, Bush is the antichrist, the puppet who's every move must be exposed as evil or dumb. Good freakin' grief, people. I have a much better understanding now of why the founding fathers thought direct democracy was a seriously shitty idea.
    #58     Jan 30, 2003
  9. I understood the opposite, the more oil costs, the more exploration and drilling that ensues, as new wells have a fixed cost of production per barrel depending on what and where you are drilling. And it only becomes profitable once prices are above a certain level.
    #59     Jan 30, 2003
  10. ElCubano


    And how does stopping Saddam or overthrowing him help us stop that same person from coming in and BAMM; with the same fingers ...( Saddam is about power not terrorism, IMO)....Beefing up Border patrol is a start, which by the way according to some knowledgeble guests on The O'riely factor it has not been beefed up at all. Mexican Drug lords send people in and out of our country at will according to one of his guests....shouldnt we put our effort into this????

    And it will inflame other terrosists group to spring out into ( great recruiting technique) action because they will percieve US agression as unjust....pick up the latest issue of TIME ( great article on a scenerio that may or may not play out if we attack).......Not to mention the attempt at killing our soldiers on the front line with these so called weapons ( which this time around he has no reason not to use them like in 1991 )

    but hey, I know nothing.....

    And Mr. Dark , I have never mentioned in any of my posts anything negative about my President and or Government.
    #60     Jan 30, 2003