Discussion in 'Politics' started by mahram, Jul 7, 2006.

  1. Whaddya you care?

    I mean seriously why do you care what any member of the American military does?

    You live in Canada right.... and you're banging some 16yr? Don't you have something better to do than worry about America?

    For fuck sakes dude...get a life.

    Don't you have a curling match to watch or a baby seal to club or some shit?

    #51     Jul 7, 2006
  2. bronks


    You wanna quash a rebellion, insurgency, jihad, or whatever?

    Impregnate their women, kill their men, and slaughter whoever gets in your way. Impose your absolute will on the enemy.

    If your gonna go to war... go to fuckin war.
    #52     Jul 7, 2006
  3. And then raze the ground of all structures and then salt the fucking earth that they live on so that nothing will ever grow there again ....i.e. Rome vs. Carthage.

    Will that ever happen again in modern society? Of course not.

    Thus if you can not commit total and complete genocide against your enemy then you can not “win" with violence against a religion.

    Thus if you can't win with violence against a would be smart (both sides) to find another way.....DUH!

    I can't believe this in even in question.

    #53     Jul 7, 2006
  4. Ricter


    "30 minutes of plunder. The soldier must have something for his toil and trouble."
    #54     Jul 7, 2006
  5. bronks


    My statement was facetious in nature but with a facet of truth. Until this whole planet is a light shade of brown, I don't think there will be peace...and even then we will find something to squabble about.

    DUH? I would be interested in your solution to the problem. I have already posted mine sometime back.
    #55     Jul 7, 2006
  6. the problem with america is that they are always willing to support terriosts and thugs when it comes to money and business. Look at somalia. They funded freaking guys that shot down their own men. They havent learned anything from afghanistan debacle.

    There will always be fanatics in any groups of people. But america is always willing to prop up those groups. And george bush willingly admits it. Look at china. The usa looks a blind eye and even allows there own people to turn in people fighting for democracy.

    If america wants to change the world, then they might want to give up business interests. Ok Google will probably lose a few billion, miners might lose their interests b/c of democracy, or oil interests might be taken away from american companies b/c of democracy. But in the long term it would be for the best, but nobody wants to give up their money.

    I dont agree with Mahram's politics and crazy usa bashing. But I do agree we can't keep popping up regimes and crazies because they control interests that our businesses want.

    #56     Jul 7, 2006
  7. We need to take the same road as China. Do business with anyone no matter how bad they are and how many of their own people they kill.

    Just stay neutral no matter what.
    #57     Jul 7, 2006
  8. I am glad this makes you so happy. I for one am proud to live in a country that will not only admit that it has skeletons in its closet, but will willingly allow critics such as the New York Times and YOU to blare criticisms to the world. We are Americans! We make mistakes! Sometimes we go on ill founded crusades! But by god WE TRY! I may disagree with the Bush Administration and even question their motives, but as for the American People and The American Military as a whole I would never question their intent or heartfelt convictions. I am not always proud of what gets done in our names but I am proud of the way the American People and our Second to None Military Personnel try to make this a better world. If it wasnt for Americans with the balls enough to stand up to King George you would still be living under a monarchy, If it wasn't for a bunch of American soldiers blood turning the waves red at Normandy and Guadalcanal you would be goosestepping right now. And who knows what would have happened if we hadn't stood up to Joseph Stalin et al. So sit up there in your do nothing about nothing country and criticize us all you want. And guess what? When the chips are down there is still only one group of people who are going to be there to stand by your side and keep the next real threat off your ass.
    #58     Jul 8, 2006
  9. Rape, murder, assualt, are daily events here in Chicago and every other major metro area. This is another non-story for the hand wringers to blather on about. :mad:
    #59     Jul 8, 2006
  10. If it wasnt for americans there wouldnt have been over a million dead africans. And those were the ones who didnt make it over. And were just tossed out into the ocean like garbage. :D
    If it wasnt for americans, an entire race of people. You know the native americans. The people who were here. 10's of millions would still be alive.

    You mean when the chips are down. Like cambodia, rahwanda, somalia, sudan, and etc. The only way america will enter a war if there is american business interests are involved. Look at north korea. They build nukes, and file icbms. Why doesnt the united states invade north korea. Right now. Its part of the bush doctrine right. Thats why they invaded iraq. To stop them from getting wmds. And it wasnt for oil right?

    You keep saying america will take the right stand. But you know the truth is if its only in the interest of america. And its usually about money.

    #60     Jul 8, 2006