American made UFO?

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by Messi007, Feb 22, 2012.

  1. Messi007

    Messi007 Guest

  2. Yep...its american made alright. Right on someones computer.
  3. Messi007

    Messi007 Guest

    Im not a computer expert, but You'll probably right. Anyway, I do believe that the American do have some kind of man made UFO. They had been playing with that idea since the 50s.
  4. ocean5


    No such technologies on Earth as of yet.
  5. Messi007

    Messi007 Guest

    Hi ocean, thanks for the post.
    You're probably right, but Al Gore said once at The Larry King show, that the public only knows about 5% of the USA real military technology. I do think that the video is fake, but every time we see something weird in the air, the problability of a man made UFO are higher than an Alien visiting our planet.

    Sorry for my limited english.
  6. ocean5


    For whatever reason he`s said that,to make an impretion or to get attention,he as clueless as the general public.People unable to reach the Moon,let alone to travel through the planets.In order to pass through the radiation near the Moon,the spaceship must have shields of lead as thick as 15-20 engines could ever lift that kind of spaceship.

    Sorry for my limited English,too.

  7. Messi007

    Messi007 Guest

    Yeah, you have very good points. But there are so many evidence showing that the Americans did went to the moon. Even the former soviets officials acknowledge that . But maybe those kind of air craft are desing only for military porpuses. How much the americans spend a year on defense? 500 or 600 billions a year for the last 30 years? Its hard to imagine those couple of trillions of dollar wasted on bullets and conventionals machines or bureaucracy. But who knows.
  8. ocean5


    That was all fake.Consider the level of radiation near the Moon.Soviet officials are no better...

    Whatever amount they would spend,no technologies available at present time.But even if they were,it still wouldn`t be enough.In the past,ancients was able to travel through our galaxy,and only the 'clear,pure-minded' one could drive that interstellar Viman.Because not only Vimanas were driven by the technologies,but using the mind and mantras as well.You rarely find such 'clear,pure-minded' person nowadays among priests,let alone pilots..hah..

    Hitler took an attempt to decifer Vimana Sastras.They tried to replicate these UFO,and failed.

    It`s all not that simple as you may think.