American Flag Too Divisive For High School

Discussion in 'Politics' started by AAAintheBeltway, Apr 5, 2006.

  1. jem


    I despised Clinton because he was smart man, who lied just as easily as he told the truth. I suspect Clinoton choose to lie because he had no real values and because he considered himself smarter than everyone else.

    But now I may be learning that a smart liar is better than a dumb liar who thinks he may not be lying only because he is too stupid to know he is lying.

    I sometimes find myself yearning for a President who knows more about the issue than the reporter asking the questions.

    I so much prefer to hear Dick Cheney speak over Bush. It is the difference between compentence and incompentence.
    #11     Apr 5, 2006
  2. Sam123

    Sam123 Guest

    That’s because you believe that America has nothing left but a flag to hold it together. And when patriotism and a sense of nationalism has been systematically shamed out of people who grow up to be educators, it only figures that an American school would react to this in the way it did.

    We see two insane things going on here: the extent of Mexican nationalism in American schools, and the extent of American patriotism as a shameful thing among our liberal elites who run our schools.

    Those who feel shameful about their sense of patriotism and national pride vote Democrat. It’s not that they don’t want to be patriotic. They are just shameful about it. Goes back to the self-loathing thing, and Dems pander to it.
    #12     Apr 5, 2006
  3. i like bush, but he is HARDLY wonkish or eloquent

    that's what i love about blair.

    blair is a wonderful speaker, and a witty debater
    #13     Apr 5, 2006
  4. Ditto head speak....

    #14     Apr 6, 2006
  5. In general, the batting average of doomsayers in
    the U.S. is terrible. Our country has consistently made
    fools of those who were skeptical about either our eco-nomic
    potential or our resiliency. Many pessimistic
    seers simply underestimated the dynamism that has allowed us
    to overcome problems that once seemed ominous. We still have
    a truly remarkable country and economy.

    - Warren Buffett
    #15     Apr 6, 2006
  6. For the USA haters out there, go and spend some time in a foreign country, doesn't matter which one. When you come back you will have a much greater appreciation for the US. And for all the Euro lovers, where would Eurpe be if it did not have the US to provide military protection. Military protection that not only protects the Europena way of life but pumps a decent amount of US dollars into the European economies.
    #16     Apr 6, 2006
  7. Of course, and all we do is out of the goodness of our heart.....

    #17     Apr 6, 2006
  8. I wonder where the chickenshit ACLU is on this, probably too busy defending some pedophilia group.
    #18     Apr 6, 2006
  9. So you think that a Constitutional right has been violated?


    #19     Apr 6, 2006
  10. actually, the ACLU has been involved in several cases of this ilk and HAS already commented on this case.

    the case law (and i am paraphrasing), which the ACLU has commented on is basically this...

    for a school to ban speech like this (and certainly - wearing a flag shirt is content speech), the burden is on THEM to show that the danger of allowing same speech is both imminent and clear. again, i am paraphrasing - i haven't read the case in about 2 yrs, but that is the gist.

    so, actually you are wrong. the ACLU ***has*** stood up for the rights of the kids to wear the flag shirts. already.

    now, what would be problematic would be if they banned mexican flag shirts and allowed US flag shirts, or vice versa. THAT would be a MUCH MUCH (probably impossible) burden for the school to justify for a # of reasons...

    now, the constitutional laws are interesting, but the commonsense rules also apply

    for any school to ban the wearing of a US flag shirt based on potential fears of dischord/retaliation/violence shows the larger problem is that there may actually be a high antiamerican sentiment among many if the mere wearing of a US FLAG shirt **in*** the US leads to violence. that's pretty frigging insane

    these are american schools. the flag is all of our symbol. every one of us (well, at least EVERY LEGAL CITIZEN) :)

    far more disturbing for me as a free speech advocate is the move by many stalinist left wing school boards (seattle comes to mind) in attempting to ban military recruiters from college and high school campuses, for a host of reasons - usually the claim of the "homophobic" policies and/or a general antiwar antimilitaristic justification

    regardless of what one thinks about the military (and clearly under the solomon amendment, not mention the 1st amendment - this is insane and stalinist and unconstitutional to try to prohibit access of the military recruiters to our PUBLIC campuses), they have the rights to express THEIR points of view and recruit. the proper remedy for those that disagree with the military in general, their stance towards gays, or their choice of berets is to PROTEST and counter the military speech with THEIR speech, not to ban the military. in a FREE society, we counter speech with speech. we don;t ban speech. these stalinist campus thought police don't understand that.

    it is also (no pun intended ) :) very paternalistic ESPECIALLY in colleges (where the vast majority of students have reached the age of majority) to claim, as many do, that children/students need to be PROTECTED from the military recruiters.

    so, apparently free choice (like to choose to listen to recruiters and choose to join the military of one's own free will) is a sacrosanct right in regards to a 16 yr old girl aborting a fetus without even parental notification, but is not even a consideration when allowing that same 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 21 etc. year old girl to hear a recruiter from the US mIlitary and decide for herself whether she wants to choose to serve her country.

    the irony is so thick i could cut it with a ladle

    now, on a PRIVATE campus, this is a non-issue. if a quaker school, for instance, wants to ban military recruiters (probably due to their pacifist stances), this is entirely constitutional, since they are PRIVATE schools. now, if they receive public monies... welll.. i digress :)
    #20     Apr 6, 2006