American Billionaire Avoids Multiple Rape Charges

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Publisher, Mar 21, 2007.

  1. dpt


    `Yes, it is quite obvious you have no idea. Yet the evidence is out there. Not necessarily evidence of any collective Jewish plot, but the views propounded by the preponderance of Jewish intellectuals all tend to lay along the same vector -- one that is injurious to -- scare word alert -- traditional, white, Christian America.'

    Trevor-Roper's letter also takes as given many other points that revisionists dispute. We can put these aside for the moment. What should at once -- okay, for a beginner, at thrice -- be clear is the utter reasonableness of skepticism at Holocaust claims: If there is no abundant, overwhelming evidence, there is no rational reason to so fiercely affirm the standard account, to the point of jailing and fining dissenters.

    Lol, are you actually Jewish yourself? I'm just wondering, because Jews seem to do a tremendously good job of whipping up hysteria about the precariousness of their situation. The reality, of course, is somewhat different.

    I would much rather that I had no reason to be heavily critical or suspicious of Jews, but at the same time, I can't turn a blind eye to what I see.

    The '67 war happened less than two decades after Israel's founding; a founding still fresh in their memories and one which Arabs saw as injustice. To all but Jewish eyes, Arabs grievances in '67 (and '73) appear entirely reasonable. However, with the passage of time, large numbers of Arabs have come to accept the existence of the Israeli state. What remains, and probably forever will remain, unacceptable, is Israel's hold on the west bank and east Jerusalem. And that too, from non-Jewish eyes, is completely understandable.

    Point, set, match.
    #41     Mar 25, 2007
  2. Is it just me or does the music he posts along with this horseshit really creep anyone out??

    I can picture publisher right now sitting in a dark basement listening the th music in his grandma's panties massaging his rifle and planning his own "jew lynching."
    #42     Mar 26, 2007