American Billionaire Avoids Multiple Rape Charges

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Publisher, Mar 21, 2007.

  1. jem


    Why should I care what the Talmud says about Jesus. Jesus has some very harsh words for the Pharisees. He said they legalism stood between Jews and God. he called them hypocrites in public and wrecked all their commerce in the temple.

    I am sure they were pissed. I am not concerned about that stuff. I would be concerned if Rabbi's were saying that I must convert or that it is okay to kill me.
    #11     Mar 22, 2007
  2. Jews, in an opportunistic fashion, try to cover up their Talmudic hatred for Christ, because they don't want to lose their 30,000,000 braindead Christian Zionist supporters. The latter, well known for their sheep-like mentality, until "slaughtered" by their Jewish masters, will believe that god loves one of his sons, the jews, more than the others - ignorant of the fact that they lost the Lords "preference" when they broke the covenant by refusing to accept Christianity.
    #12     Mar 22, 2007
  3. dpt



    `Publisher' is the only one who is being called on his
    antisemitism here.

    He has already demonstrated that the charge is true beyond any
    question by his own words.

    He repeats lies and falsehoods, in a transparent effort to smear `the Jews.'

    `Publisher' is obviously completely incapable of logic.

    Here's a hint: I have no religion. I'm an atheist.

    This is just so much more, utterly unoriginal, antisemitic drivel.

    One can, exactly similarly, examine the canonical Christian Gospels,
    in particular the Gospel of John, and come to the equally strong
    conclusion that Jesus is hostile towards `the Jews.'

    In fact, it is apparent that many early Christians did come to
    precisely that conclusion. See the Patristic literature, for example,
    the writings of Athanasius, and Augustine, for early Christian opinion
    on Jews and Judaism.

    Given such a situation, and given that early Christians, who were
    originally a sect of Judaism, as far as the Romans were concerned,
    eventually gained political ascendancy in the Roman Empire it is
    hardly surprising that there existed Jewish writers who were hostile
    to Christianity, and that some of these writings were recorded in
    the Talmud.

    It is also no surprise that Jews at times made an effort to cover up
    some of these hostile references, since they were regularly used by
    antisemitic Christians as justification for persecution of Jewish

    What, now `Publisher' asserts that the whole Talmud is hostile towards
    Christ? He is a Talmudic scholar? Speaks Hebrew and Aramaic, and knows
    the history of both Judaism and Christianity?

    Here's a hint: It does not follow from anything `Publisher'
    has `Published' that `the Talmud' is hostile towards Christ.

    That is a totally unjustifiable generalization.

    Your argument has already collapsed. You are simply intellectually unequipped for
    this debate.

    Where have I lied? Your repetition of these lines, with the clear
    implication that they prove `the Jews' are hostile to Christ
    is in itself a lie, and an effort to smear a whole people.

    Hollywood? Who said anything about Hollywood?


    `Publisher has become completely unhinged.

    Rearden Metal was right: He should seek medical attention urgently.

    Madonna is apparently a lapsed Catholic, and has an interest in
    Kabbalah. Good for her. This is all irrelevant. The fact is that `Publisher' is
    the one spewing vile antisemitic propaganda across this website.

    Where's the promised apology?
    #13     Mar 22, 2007
  4. Publisher, give up while your behind, your giving stupid a bad name.
    #14     Mar 22, 2007
  5. Thank you for taking the time to set the record straight.
    #15     Mar 22, 2007
  6. jem


    Your last sentence about losing God's preference seems to allude to replacement theology. That is very Roman Catholic of you. Do you agree with the statement there is no salvation outside the Church.

    "Extra Ecclesiam nulla salus"

    wikipedia does a pretty good job explaining the doctrine.
    #16     Mar 23, 2007
  7. From the earliest days of Christianity, Jewry became its leading persecutor, as the Pharisees saw the Christian salvation of both “Jews and Greeks” as a threat to their purity and supremacism. It should be said that Judaism is also diametrically opposed to the Muslim faith, which like Christianity also has been interpreted as a universal message. Not only did Jewish supremacists oppose Jesus himself, they mercilessly persecutedhis followers, the early Christians.

    I will quote several "Talmudic Scholars", and for some reason, they are completely in agreement with my interpretation of the Babylonian Talmud. But, I guess they are just anti-Semites disguised as Jews...

    Chabad and other Jewish rabbis frequently author columns in the largest Jewish newspaper in the United States, Jewish Week. In this paper you will find supremacist attitudes that any decent human being would call horrific. Examine the following quote:
    - This Statement was made by a leading Lubavitch Rabbi named Yitshak Ginsburgh and it can be found in the April 26, 1996 Jewish Week.

    The following quotes are taken from a book of his recorded messages to followers in Israel, titled "Gatherings of Conversations" by Rabbi Schneerson and published in Israel in 1965. During the subsequent three decades of his life until his death, Rabbi Schneerson remained consistent; he did not change any of the opinions. What Rabbi Schneerson taught became official, Lubavitch-Hassidic doctrine. Regarding the non-Jew the Lubovitcher Rebbe’s views were clear:

    -Chabad Lubavitch Rabbis in the white house.

    You will look in vain in the popular mass media or in political circles for any serious condemnation of Jewish supremacism. In fact, George Bush actually issued a statement on June 27, 2006 honoring the memory of the Great Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson. Every U.S. President since Rabbi Schneerson’s death has honored this extreme Jewish supremacist. Here is a direct quote from the Jewish Telegraph Agency (JTA) reporting on the honoring of Rabbi Schneerson and showing their influence on American policy.

    Read the following words of Dr.Stephen Steinlight, one of the leading Jews in America, who wrote these comments in October of 2001. After reading them, read them again and again. Steinlight is no minor Jewish figure. He served for five years as the Director of National Affairs (domestic policy) in the most powerful and respected Jewish organization in the United States, the American Jewish Committee. Steinlight confesses the rampant Jewish supremacism and disloyalty to America that permeates the American Jewish community.

    As you can see, not just the bearded extremists of Chabad have have such supremacist sentiments.

    I wait for our wannebe Yid-boy to show me that these are all "misquotes".
    #17     Mar 23, 2007
  8. In any case, Most of the Jews of today came from a completely heathen background, a heathen tribe called the Khazars of Western Russia. They were not Semites, but were Turco-Mongoloid. They were converted to Judaism en masse in the 7th Century. This explains why most Jews are as white as snow. If you want further Jewish confirmation of this, I suggest you read Vol. IV, pages 1 to 5 in the Jewish Encyclopaedia.

    The depiction of Jesus and his mother as white, Northern European Caucasians is creating serious confusion among Americans and Europeans. The real Jews are brown, not white. The white Ashkenazi Zionists are incorrect when they claim that their ancestors came from Palestine. Because of this fact, it's incorect to assume that 90% of World Jewry deserve the title of "Chosen People"

    Furthermore, because the Zionists are not real Jews, criticizing their attempt to create Israel is not criticizing Jews. In fact, the Ashkenazi Jews outnumber the real Jews, and are discriminating against the real Jews in Israel.

    -Khazaria is the nation just north of modern day Georgia.
    #18     Mar 23, 2007
  9. jem


    without more info - I would have to say so what.

    Is there any evidence in the bible that the promises made to Abraham by God would not apply to people of Western Russian descent?
    #19     Mar 23, 2007
  10. fhl


    Note to publisher--
    As a card carrying member of the Christian right, I can tell you that we are only concerned with what the bible says, not quotes you dig up from irrelevant (to us) sources. Anybody can say anything. Who cares.
    #20     Mar 23, 2007