America Rising

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Yannis, Jan 16, 2010.

  1. Yannis


    Chicago (Cont'd)


    :) :) :)
    #31     Jan 18, 2010
  2. Yannis


    Save Lives in Haiti, End Lives in America?
    by Chuck Norris

    "While White House press secretary Robert Gibbs was announcing Friday all that the present administration was doing to save lives in Haiti, he reported that President Barack Obama was meeting with both the House and Senate Democrats to resolve how they could provide federal funds via Obamacare to terminate more American lives in the womb.

    Is it not incongruous to anyone else that our president, who professes to be an advocate for all minorities, isn't one for the most disadvantaged to survival? What type of "health care" is that for the least among (and within) us?

    Save lives in Haiti, end lives in America? What an utterly contradictory presidential plan and policy, especially for a man who claims to be an activist for the underprivileged. What a stark and tragic contradiction in agendas, aids, ethics and the value of human life.

    One thing is certain, and Obama knows it: If the Democrats are to pass their version of health care with any overt or covert pro-abortion verbiage in it, they need their supermajority of 60 votes intact to block any possible filibuster. That is why it is certainly no coincidence that Gibbs also announced Friday that the president had decided to go to Massachusetts to campaign for 60th-vote Senate candidate Martha Coakley "because she asked."

    For many reasons, I, of course, strongly encourage and support the election of the GOP challenger in that race, state Sen. Scott Brown, chief among them being to stop this supermajority gridlock and anarchy in Washington and simultaneously try to save some of those precious souls in the womb.

    Not surprisingly, Obama endorsed the House version of the bill before it contained a ban on abortion funding (the Stupak-Pitts amendment) and supported the Senate version (with its tabled Nelson-Hatch amendment), which would fund abortions. Just another day and another broken presidential promise for conservatives; on Sept. 9, Obama testified, "Under our (health care reform) plan, no federal dollars will be used to fund abortions."

    If you think Obama's pro-abortion mission is over, consider brand-new special report "The Promise Audit: Tracking President Obama's Progress On Campaign Promises," in which the National Journal examined Obama's abortion track record and gave him a 33 percent completion rating regarding his campaign promises on abortion.

    Can you imagine if all the pro-abortion initiatives Obama has accomplished in his first year represent just one-third of all he will do before the end of his term?

    Still on the horizon -- but fast approaching -- is the fulfillment of Obama's campaign promise to sign the Freedom of Choice Act, which is a sweeping bill that would abolish all pro-life regulations once and for all across the nation, from parental notification laws to bans on all federal funding of abortion.

    Obama was not joking when he told Planned Parenthood during his presidential campaign that he would "turn the page" on the abortion culture war. The man who, as a presidential candidate, once confessed that estimating when a baby gets human rights was "above" his "paygrade" has granted more pay to pro-abortion agencies and enacted more pro-abortion legislation to ensure that millions of more babies' rights never are experienced outside the womb.

    As tens of millions celebrate another Sanctity of Life Sunday in tens of thousands of churches across America, I'm struck again by the sheer contrasts between President Obama's and our Founding Fathers' views of human life in the womb. For example, Thomas Jefferson wrote in 1809, "The care of human life and happiness, and not their destruction, is the first and only legitimate object of good government."

    Fifty-six Founders even signed the Declaration of Independence to testify that all human lives are "created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness -- That to secure these Rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just Powers from the Consent of the Governed."

    Could it be any clearer?

    As long as we have breath and those in the womb have life, we patriots must fight for American life the way many of us now are fighting for Haitian life."
    #32     Jan 19, 2010
  3. Yannis



    "After Obama succeeds in jamming health care changes down the collective throats of his embattled constituents, his next move will be to bring overt socialism to the United States in the guise of regulatory reform.

    The legislation he seeks to pilot through the Senate (it already passed the House) literally gives the Secretary of the Treasury the power to seize any company in any sector which, in his judgment, is in danger of insolvency and whose failure would cause systemic damage to the national economy (aka - too big to fail).

    Once the government has seized a private business under this horrific law, the Secretary of the Treasury is empowered to fire its management, replace its board of directors, wipe out the equity of its shareholders, and close any divisions or parts of it he wishes. Fidel Castro and Hugo Chavez would envy such power.

    Exploiting concerns that another global meltdown might be around the corner, the Obama legislation effectively brings socialism to the United States.

    There's no other term for it.

    Even the existence of such enormous power will have a chilling effect on economic decisions and political freedom.

    CEOs of large companies will be constantly looking over their shoulders, worried about government seizure. Since there is no objective standard built into the bill - such as bankruptcy - they will never know when the feds will swoop down and lock the doors. This policy of economic terrorism will influence investment decisions, lead to companies scaling down their size just to avoid seizure, and refusing to take risks which, while good for job creation, might mark them as potentially insolvent.

    Politically, corporate executives will have to think long and hard before they donate funds to Obama's political opponents or antagonize the Administration. The standards for government seizure are so flexible and judgmental that a political conflict can easily escalate into a corporate seizure.

    This bill is Obama's plan to bring socialism to America. He will use the power this legislation confers widely and ruthlessly to force corporations to do his bidding, follow his policies, or face the prospect of seizure.

    Corporate executives, in particular, will come to feel - rightly - that their jobs are on the line if they don't keep their relations with the Administration calm and smooth. Imagine if JFK had had this power when he balked at steel price increases in 1962. Or, if LBJ had used this power to coerce support for the War in Vietnam. Of if Nixon was able to use this kind of power in pursuit of those on his list of enemies.

    This legislation, while cloaked in obscure language and replete with bureaucratic gobbledygook, is a dire threat to our freedom.

    It is part of the socialist trio that animates Obama's program: regulatory "reform", cap and trade, and health care. Among them, these bills will give him power over all major businesses, all utilities, all manufacturing industries, and all health care providers. There's not much left.

    If Massachusetts delivers for democracy and elects Scott Brown to the Senate, we have a good chance of stopping the two legs of this triad that are still pending - regulatory reform and cap and trade.

    Parts of the regulatory reform bill are OK. The consumer agency it contemplates could do good things. But one suspects that these provisions are just window dressing to disguise the massive power grab behind the bill. Never before has our government had the power to seize corporations at will. And it certainly has never before been based on such subjective criteria.

    But these issues may not excite the massive public opposition that health care reform did. The average American may not realize how dangerous these bills are. But we must mobilize and stop them from passing.

    To preserve our freedom."
    #33     Jan 19, 2010