America is scared of North Korea.

Discussion in 'Politics' started by KINGOFSHORTS, May 25, 2010.

  1. And, it is well known that we are stretched razor thin militarily. What I would do if I were Pres is let Israel fend for itself, because they can. Pull out troops, and prepare if NK crosses the line.

    I know, I know, there is oil in them thar sands. So it aint gonna happen, but we cannot open another war front, and everybody pretty much knows that.
    #31     May 25, 2010
  2. 377OHMS


    I'll help you all with a small clue regarding North Korea.

    Hint: Japan has nuclear weapons

    Its the only reason on the planet any sane country would operate a plutonium breeder reactor. There is no economic benefit from such a reactor and they are dangerous as hell. The whole world just condemned Japan for restarting their plutonium breeder after they had a small accident (a bunch of workers hit with super-heated steam).

    Japan unquestionably has a badass nuclear weapons program and they routinely launch space vehicles fairly reliably from Tanegashima.

    I'm saying they have intermediate and long range missile capability.

    So if NK gets frisky and starts lobbing missiles towards Japan this might all be over in one afternoon. And trust me, China is scared shitless of Japan and always has been. You have to go over there to understand what I mean.
    #32     May 25, 2010
  3. Illum


    We are way too thin there. It makes no sense. They would get steamrolled fast. Either put a real force in, or take them out. We shouldn't be used like pawns by Washington or any other geopolitical mouth breather.
    #33     May 26, 2010
  4. Also, given the relative military mights of SK vs NK it would be nuts for the South to be making bogus claims that could easily lead to war. A Korean war would be devastating for the South even with U.S. backing. NK has 1.2 million military; U.S. forces in S. Korea 27,000. China would, of course, back NK 100% if only covertly.

    Could end up with a U.S./China war behind the smoke screen of of an NK/SK conflict (2nd Korean War?).

    U.S. will bring back conscription.
    #34     May 26, 2010
  5. China's had hydrogen bombs since 1962 and now has missiles so accurate they can knock specific satellites out of orbit. Japan is no match for China today. If China turns nasty they'll be unstoppable. Nuclear threats won't work; a single well-placed Chinese H-bomb can destroy any nation's economy.
    #35     May 26, 2010
  6. Ah yes, military "intelligence", that old chestnut. Worked so well in Iraq, 9/11, and Pearl Harbor, didn't it?
    #36     May 26, 2010