America down the toilet

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by bat1, Jul 1, 2008.

  1. piezoe


    There is no reason to be so glum when in fact we have marvelous buying opportunities coming as the recession deepens and widens. The absurdities of the past 8 years will be behind us soon enough. Look to a brighter future.

    We are now in the process of taking our place not at the top but somewhere in the upper 1/4 of the economic community of advanced nations. But certainly ByLo's remarks re the middle class need to be heeded. We must do something about a shrinking middle class in the US. I think keeping more dollars at home and using them to invest in the US and build infrastructure, improve education -- particularly early childhood-- expand scientific research in our Universities, tackle and fix the medicare problem by breaking the Cartel and creating a competitive medical environment-- all things that should go a long way toward creating jobs at home and restoring the middle class. And did i mention military spending? We need drastic cuts and a change in philosophy from greatest military on earth to the smallest military that is still adequate. Fighting wars with conventional armies is a 20th century affliction and ought to be relegated to dictatorships and third world countries. Let's not fall into this death trap the way the Soviet Union did. And let's do what we can to return to a secular society with religious freedom for all, including freedom from religion, that our forefathers envisioned. Let's not let religious fanatics, either our own or others, eat away at our Bill of Rights. The US is still a great nation, it just lost its footing temporarily.
    #11     Jul 2, 2008
  2. bat1


    The US is still a great nation, it just lost its footing temporarily.

    you got to be kidding people are losing jobs day by day
    the dollar is almost worthless compared to the Ero
    a U.S iran war looms

    and you say ''temporarily

    America has not much going for it anymore

    how do you cut military spending with 2 wars going
    and a 3rd coming?
    #12     Jul 2, 2008
  3. ashatet


    That is my thesis as well. But things in the rest of the world are no better, why don't some of the people go and live in India and Europe for a while and then report their findings. China and India a still heavily reliant on US for their exports, they both have however, developed their industrial and technological bases for good and will survive this recession in US, but their growth will suffer seriously as well. You want to move to Europe, go ahead, but guess what the price for everything is 50% more, salaries suck, taxes are high. US Standard of living was just above the rest of humans, now we are getting closer to the rest of the world.

    We got all the land, great agriculture, lots of fresh water, lots of resources, what we need is people in power and the regular Joe shmo to start acting like humans again and we will be fine.

    #13     Jul 3, 2008
  4. laputa


    Iraq stopped accepting the dollar for their oil (switched to Euro) and look what happened to them.

    Soon America is going to invade Iran for precisely the same reason. The US military is going to save the dollar's ass once again until no one would even talk about giving up on the dollar.
    #14     Jul 3, 2008
  5. Damn, I knew I should've purchased land in Australia!
    #15     Jul 3, 2008
  6. I wish I lived in China making 25 cents an hour. I would be much happier than living in the US.
    #16     Jul 3, 2008
  7. that is called globalization, where everyone (at least the 7 billion morons) around the world live under the same standards of living, same rules, same opportunities, same quality of life. Your cheap lives have a known path, you are born into this world where you are sent off to school a little after you have learned the basics of life from your parents, then you are taught all the crap needed, and never taught beyond crap. Once you graduate you are put to work (you are only given tools that are necessary for you to perform your task, you will never even hear of the real technological tools) to feed your ass, serve the pathetic society you are in and pay your rulers. Then you die.


    yep, you can wait
    #17     Jul 3, 2008
  8. gnome


    Are you mini-Paulson? LOL :D
    #18     Jul 3, 2008
  9. Man, what a depressed bunch!
    #19     Jul 3, 2008
  10. gnome


    That's good. Means there is hope... people paying attention and recognizing the problem.
    #20     Jul 3, 2008