america before ther nanny state

Discussion in 'Economics' started by zdreg, Nov 19, 2011.

was america a better place to live before the nanny state?

  1. yes it was

    31 vote(s)
  2. no it was not

    5 vote(s)
  3. not sure

    5 vote(s)
  1. Bob111


    #51     Dec 9, 2011
  2. This is an extreme exception to the normal. I know a lady who is disabled and gets about $200 a month housing subsidy through HUD and I think she said a little under $300 a month in food stamps and medicade health care, that's it. She lives very very poor. If there are other programs that would help her I'd like to find out.
    Oh and for the haters who will post crap about her, she is disabled because she was injured in a car wreck, the others drivers fault, and was screwed over by the insurance company.
    #52     Dec 10, 2011
  3. +1
    #53     Dec 10, 2011
  4. Give em time, bigarrow, give em TIME. The young always believe they can change human nature. They believe they can change the world.

    They might change the faces, but not the NATURE, of the world.

    Just give em a little bit of time.
    #54     Dec 10, 2011
  5. zdreg


    "Today, there are an estimated 4,500 federal crimes on the books, a significant increase from the three in the Constitution (treason, piracy and counterfeiting). There is an additional, and much larger, number of regulations written to enforce the laws. "

    "Many of these federal infractions are now easier to prosecute than in the past because of a weakening in a bedrock doctrine of Anglo-American jurisprudence: the principle of mens rea, or "guilty mind," which holds that a person shouldn't be convicted if he hasn't shown an intent to do something wrong. "

    above is what a nanny state does to individual freedoms.
    #55     Dec 12, 2011