amd skyrocketing when is short squeeze

Discussion in 'Options' started by ggelitetrader000, Sep 10, 2018.

  1. amd has been gaining alot last few weeks but and at last one article said short squeeze was imminent and I was looking for short squeeze. Few days back it stayed at 15% and today, it is still at 15%. Could it be possible the day is delayed and it is already happening or largely happened or done happening?

    I was thinking to get a PUT option once short squeeze has materialized and is nearing end.
  2. tommcginnis


    Let's say that one trader shorted AMD when it jumped to $19, and burped it out when it jumped to $22, where it was shorted by another trader who rode it painfully up when it popped above $26.50, and they bought from a third trader who sold short and bought back at $29, from yet a fourth trader who thought for sure[!!!] it would continue down past $27.50, and instead watched it today clear their $29 entry, and is now down 75¢.

    For which one of these four short-sellers do you declare a "squeeze"?

    Suggestion?? Work your own thesis of AMD, pull your own facts together, and work that. Maybe that includes the sold-short percent!! But don't be thinking that there is going to be a bright line all a'glow when some particular event happens/doesn't-happen. It's a rolling-along, going-forward event.
  3. Why fight the trend?
    Look at TLRY if you want to see a recent example of people trying to “short the top”.

    If they want to squeeze the shorts, get on board for the easy money long instead of the pain trade.
    smallfil likes this.
  4. no i am going long, not against the bull and to further gains, I was looking for squeeze. I also have both longs and shorts (straddle) in TLRY too that bagged it well. Thanks.,
    Clubber Lang likes this.