
Discussion in 'Politics' started by ElCubano, Apr 21, 2003.

  1. Actually, I think there should be minor leagues for all sports, just like Baseball. Plenty of kids skip college to play minor league baseball.

    I like the idea of a trust, because it will force them to complete their education unless they are in the upper 1% that will go pro. Le Bron is one in a million. Most student athletes that dream of a career in professional sports are just dreaming. Get the education, as a backup. If they are so hot, that they are turning pro early, they don't need the money in the trust fund anyway.
    #11     Apr 21, 2003
  2. Not a bad idea, except that the graduation requirement opens up a number of possible complications. For instance, presuming that the amount of of money is substantial, it would put rather a lot of pressure on some professors to compromise their requirements for giving a student a "pass."

    Longer-term, the whole NCAA set-up will probably turn out to be insustainable, and the restrictive form of NCAA amateurism will go the way of Olympic amateurism.
    #12     Apr 21, 2003
  3. As if professors aren't now under pressure to "pass" marginal student athletes to ensure their continued eligibility.
    #13     Apr 21, 2003