Alternative to QT

Discussion in 'App Development' started by gaihosa, Nov 16, 2017.

  1. gaihosa


    I have been using Qt Creator for the last year. It has been good but as of lately when I reinstalled my OS (Ubuntu) I cannot get the additional libraries (QtCharts) to work with Qt making my program I made useless. I was hoping to find something that is C++ based (sorry no python or java). I have been contemplating using GTK but I am unsure of its charting capabilities. Any suggestions?
  2. I've been through this myself. I've used Qt in the past for work but for my own purposes it's too heavy and intrusive.

    The first alternative I used for a couple of years was wxWidgets. It's actually pretty nice and has a lighter-weight framework than Qt.

    I recently switched from wxWidgets to fltk. fltk is very lightweight but you have to do more work yourself.

    Philosophically I don't like GUI frameworks like Qt. The main problem with Qt is your whole application is Qt-flavored from top to bottom. The reason for this is Qt and similar frameworks define all their own types, from Qstring to Qthread. I wanted to use C++ native types whenever possible. Also, Qt and similar drive the design where your code runs within Qt. Again, philosophically what I wanted was a lightweight GUI library that *my* code would call, not the other way around.
  3. gaihosa


    Thank you for the reply. I agree with your points but there were some up sides also. I do really like the slot and slots. The real problem I am having is reinstalling it. For whatever reason I can't get the module qt charts to connect to it.

    I was looking at the those other libraries you mentioned. Nice to know you had a good experience with both of them. Which one would you recommend for charting?
  4. sprstpd


    Ever tried Tcl/Tk? Old school, but has I haven't found anything else that allows me to prototype a user interface as quickly as it.