Already predicting skyrocketing GDP growth in 2018...didn't know it was that simple!!

Discussion in 'Economics' started by S2007S, Jan 12, 2017.

  1. S2007S


    Amazing that all of the sudden they are predicting GDP growth of 3-4% in the next year over the new policies that will be pushed through.... Seems like if it were that easy why wasn't this done over the last decade. GDP has been going no where. Only reason why it's been floating around 1-2% is because of the fed and their cheap money printing ways, QE and historical low interest rates!!! Now we have this idea to spend a trillion bucks on infrastructure and cut taxes and like magic we get 3-4% GDP? So this whole time it was that easy to achieve this kind of GDP growth. Hmmmm. And if we saw the markets rally 240%+ since 2009 under a 1-2% GDP then with GDP flying high we should get at least a 350- 500% increase in the Dow and s$p going into 2025. So 100,000 Dow is going to happen by 2023-2025!!! Zero risk all reward. Under these new policies its nothing but rallies, millionaires being minted left and right and literally jobs for every citizen of this country.......

    Trump's plans could double US GDP growth by 2018, Deutsche Bank says

    Gross domestic product growth would be double its current level under an agenda that cuts regulations across a broad swath of critical sectors, enacts tax reform that slashes personal and corporate taxes, and calls for at least $1 trillion in improvements for bridges, roads and other public projects.

  2. Baron

    Baron ET Founder

    Ok, so let's flip the issue around by asking you this one question:

    If all of a sudden you were elected president, what policies would you put into place that would TRULY achieve the kind of GDP growth you mentioned above?
    Maverick74 likes this.
  3. 2 simple things: deregulate business and cut taxes

    the economy would heat up, eventually repeating the 20s and a great depression would be the outcome
  4. Maverick74


    That's not what caused the great depression. LOL.
  5. Maverick74


    Are you expecting him to give you a serious response?
  6. vanzandt


    Easy answer. Politically incorrect.... but reign in the EPA and their power.
    Seriously. I'm all for protecting our world for future generations, but we need common sense, not Gestapo.
    Been there, lived it.
    Level the playing field internationally, and then go to work.
  7. I`d recommend all corporations and producers to give away all their products for free.And stop to produce anything for a while.
  8. Surgo


    To start, probably return taxes to their levels under Eisenhower and invest heavily in obvious growth areas like solar and CRISPR.
  9. the communist approach?
  10. I mean products.It`s never been free with the communists,except for the service like medicine,education.btw,it`s not recession 2016 it`s overproduction crisis.
    #10     Jan 12, 2017