Allenhobbs is one sick phuck

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by atticus, May 12, 2008.

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  1. I knew you were lying and this proves it. You and Reaver are made for each other. He worships you as a God and you tell him bullshit to fuel his rage and then deny it in the face of the facts.

    How many kids do I have oh savy soothsayer?

    What's stopping you from posting all that great shit on Barry? You and Reaver talk about it ad naseum but never follow through.
    #41     May 13, 2008
  2. I've been totally alone and independent in my actions regarding you.

    You are a grade-A psychopath.

    You are trying to put pieces together in a puzzle that doesn't exist.
    #42     May 13, 2008
  3. Reaver do you want me to post that PM you sent directly accusing me of threatening your god's son? Well? If I do, then you will be exposed again as a bald faced liar. But your god won't care, because he told you the lie in the first place.
    #43     May 13, 2008
  4. You dared me to post it on riskfreetrading's thread and then begged the mods to delete it. Then you demanded I delete it in this PM:


    I promise one thing. I will post all of your details on numerous sites that google crawls daily if I get any more PMs, calls or email comments about my children.
    #44     May 13, 2008
  5. You're fucking retarded. I've already stated on this thread that I forwarded your last PM to Reaver PRIOR to authoring this thread [minutes before]. You mentioned Reaver in that PM, or don't you recall? Refer to page one of this thread.
    #45     May 13, 2008
  6. Yes or no? Did you send a PM accusing me of threatening atticus' son?

    There are no pieces to put together because I have a PM from you explicitly saying that very thing. Atticus claims he NEVER mentioned anything to you about his kid until this thread. I just want to watch you weasel your way out of it.

    In the meantime, you and atticus can jerk each other off all you want. You're both full of shit and don't have the guts to post any of the crap you got on Barry. Since you got all the great dirt on Barry, just send him a letter telling him you are going to post all sorts of juicy stuff on him in ET.
    #46     May 13, 2008
  7. Do what you want, I don't give a rats ass about Barry Kellshit, I only care about me and you have BUBKUS on me shvartze boy. As soon as you realize I am not Barry Kellshit, the better off you'll be, but if you want to continue with tis game, go post to your hearts delight. DO IT NOW. I DARE YOU! You are so FOS and a big talker with balls the size of peanuts.

    Now do you want me to post that PM Reaver sent to me or not. If I do, what will you then do? Will you forgive and kiss him?
    #47     May 13, 2008
  8. It's not relevant. Your threats in the PM in question are not proof of how many children I have or any clinical disposition. Logic wasn't taught in the CFO's classical education? I assume he sent you a PM based solely on your comments.
    #48     May 13, 2008
  9. Now read this again, nice and slow Barry.

    Post the PM! For God's sake! Post it!

    Still wouldn't prove Atticus told me anything.

    I didn't even know Atticus had a kid until this thread (and of course the PM sent immediately preceding the thread is included in "this thread")
    #49     May 13, 2008
  10. You assume wrong. He sent me what he sent me and he must have gotten the information from someone. After all, I had no idea you had a son UNTIL I received Reaver's PM.

    Sit on the toilet and when you figure out how he learned that, let alone accuse me of threatening your kid, let us know. That is the real story here; everything else is noise.
    #50     May 13, 2008
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