All the World’s Carbon Emissions in One Chart

Discussion in 'Economics' started by Banjo, Jun 8, 2019.

  1. ironchef


    It has nothing to do with tree hugging and my impact on the environment is indeed minuscule.

    I just don't think it is right for me to create a huge carbon dioxide footprint, to pollute the air I breath, to dump too much garbage in our landfill, or the ocean, or on the street I travel. I don't want to create problems for the next guy to clean up.

    Hopefully we can seek common ground and make our country/the world a better place for our kids.
    #31     Jun 9, 2019
    comagnum likes this.
  2. dozu888


    garbage and pollution are actually legit issues... they are related to health of humans and animals... problem for the scammers is it's not universal across all industries... like NOx is a legit pollutant from cars but may not be for other sources... it's just happens that the burning product from hydrocarbons are basically H2O and Co2 and it's kinda obvious which one is suited for running a scam...

    so pollution is a separate issue.. and in this country the EPA already has standards for various industries... and around the world there are vastly different standards so this makes it quite complex to run a scam on pollution.
    #32     Jun 9, 2019
    ironchef and comagnum like this.
  3. ironchef


    Unfortunately neither sides are rational, when they debate, they both throw the baby out with the bath water.

    We need to seek common ground, adopt the best of both. Isn't that what democracy is all about?
    #33     Jun 9, 2019
  4. kj5159


    Peat? Are you bringing scotch into this?
    #34     Jun 9, 2019
  5. dozu888


    ha... democracy is actually the common ground of 51 people beats that of the other 49 lol... but in a way yes, this is how the system is gamed... politicians, backed with special interest, come in and wash people's brain and profit.... democracy is actually a very crude system... decision making with 100 IQ by definition... 100 is pretty dumb to be honest, for the purpose of making major decisions.... but so far we don't have anything better... the alternatives we can see are:

    - a national capitalism like the China model... works wonders in the past 30 years, achieved more than e.g. the US did in the past 100 years... but that also involves massive brain washing, totalitarianism... and when it busts, it will probably be worse than anything we've ever seen;

    - perhaps an AI driven 'singularity' model where algorithms decide what's best for our common good.
    #35     Jun 9, 2019
  6. JSOP


    Once all of the manufacturing production is shifted to India, India will become No. 1 in carbon emission.
    #36     Jun 9, 2019