All the World’s Carbon Emissions in One Chart

Discussion in 'Economics' started by Banjo, Jun 8, 2019.

  1. volpri


    Here4money...They want your money AND your vote. They are there4money.


    #21     Jun 8, 2019
    dozu888 likes this.
  2. ironchef


    #22     Jun 8, 2019
    dozu888 likes this.
  3. ironchef


    #23     Jun 8, 2019
    dozu888 likes this.
  4. Overnight


    The falderal is happening because people cannot see very large macro cycles in their heads.

    Don't mention anything to them about the magnetic pole reversals that have been going on for a couple billions years, as PROVEN by the mid-Atlantic ridge. Humans didn't cause it.

    Their heads would explode.
    #24     Jun 8, 2019
    dozu888 likes this.
  5. ironchef


    I don't have a PhD in Physical Chemistry but I like your critical thinking.

    Looking at millions of years' data, the CO2 level and temperature went through huge swings. Earth's eco system may be an unstable system: A small perturbation could tip the climate into another unstable oscillation? If we can help it, don't you think it is still worthwhile to not create too much green house gas?
    #25     Jun 8, 2019
  6. Overnight


    NO! Dozu's whole point is that we miniscule peeps have so little impact on the long-term cycles of the planet that it doesn't matter what we have done in the last 100,000 years, and it will not matter what we do in the next 100,000 years.

    On a planet that is nearly 5 billion years old, 100,000 years means absolutely dick.

    The planet will take care of itself. It does not "need us" as it's caretaker. Treehuggers need to get a grip, and understand that the universe is just too damned big for them. It has no room for their whining.
    #26     Jun 8, 2019
    dozu888 likes this.
  7. Overnight


    #27     Jun 8, 2019
    dozu888 likes this.
  8. dozu888


    this is not an accurate analogy..

    first of all there is no quantum change here like flipping the balance; secondly, even if a trace gas like the co2, by a fluctuation of 2%, were causing some significant climate changes, human contribution is still 2% of that 2%.

    in other words, you cannot say that the natural 98% of co2 is sitting there doing nothing, while the human 2% of co2 is the critical mass.. makes sense? all the co2 molecules are the same lol.
    Last edited: Jun 8, 2019
    #28     Jun 8, 2019
  9. Cuddles


    Even if I bought your 2 % figure (which I don't), my point is the carbon cycle was in equilibrium pre-industrial revolution...nature sinking some figure that earth outputs. When you release carbon that's been trapped in fossil reserves or peat for millenia, it will take millenia for the carbon cycle to reach equilibrium.
    #29     Jun 9, 2019
    Seaweed likes this.
  10. dozu888


    the problem is this issue can be argued a million ways, and it has been... this space is filled with so many theories and counter theories.... but without quantification the arguments are not very useful..

    carbons are really not in 'equalibrium'.... look at the charts others posted, the earth went thru much higher ppm periods.... there is no such delicate 'balance' that an additional 2% from human can make a material change.... if some change were to happen, again it was decided in a 98% kind of way by nature's own co2.

    on the other hand whether warming is 'good or bad' is debatable... you go to warm places for vacation right? with the co2 rise so was global crop yield. the arctic ice cap mostly will NOT raise the ocean level... you can experiment with a piece of ice in a full glass of water... water will not spill over the glass when the ice melts..... only the cap on Greenland will raise the sea level.... but what is the overall impact to humanity? imagine all the farm lands in Canada that was too cold to plant now they will produce food... what about the arctic shipping lane opening up for commerce..

    on the 3rd hand the warming has stopped.. now IPCC is fudging data, and now they are renaming it 'global climate change'.... record snow, climate change... record heat, climate change... all bases are covered.. just give me 70% of money if you want to live.... that miniAOC hit it on the head right there.... it's about money grab... there is no science any more.

    Science requires that if there is a hypothesis - e.g. man made global warming, then there should be clear defined conditions when the hypothesis is either confirmed or defeated.... not with these guys - 'the science is settled' so says Al Gore... in the academic world the other side are called 'deniers', as if they are denying some absolute truth.. and even when the data is already not pointing to warming anymore, these guys change the rule of the game to 'climate change'.... great, so the scam goes on.

    and in terms of trading and long term investment... the next major risk is actually global cooling!!... look up 'grand solar minimum' and watch out for them agro futures... in human history we've gone thru some cooling periods and those were times when productivity collapsed and empires fell!.

    actually the grain futures have just spiked due to poor planting conditions.. corn is already above the level when Trump tweeted the tariff on China.... now of course whether this spike is just an isolated move, or part of a big rise, that is yet to be seen.
    #30     Jun 9, 2019