All Men Must Watch This Video! Jordan Peterson and Tucker on What's Happening to Men!

Discussion in 'Politics' started by carrer, Jul 3, 2018.

  1. carrer


    I realized that placing a women in the position of authority or decision making will usually end up jeopardizing the organisation/company. From my observation.
    Optionpro007, kandlekid and Max E. like this.
  2. Isn't Jordan a girl's name?

    Jordan Price...
  3. exGOPer


    You know what real men don't do? Bitch and whine and play victim everyday.
  4. Max E.

    Max E.

    And yet you bitch and whine every single day, what are we to infer from that?
    Poindexter, Arnie and traderob like this.
  5. Towards then end of your thread was some pretty solid bitching and whining to be fair..
    Last edited: Jul 3, 2018
  6. Cuddles


    I like Peterson, but out of principle can't watch anything with Cucker Carlson.
    Frederick Foresight likes this.
  7. exGOPer


    I am not claiming to be a defender of 'masculinity', I act as I like instead of modeling myself to some idiot's definition of a man.

    Another hit and miss by logically deficient triggered snowflake posting culture war crap like some hormonal teenager.
    Frederick Foresight likes this.
  8. RRY16


    Wasn’t this Jordan Peterson shrink/kook on Seinfeld?

    bullmarket79 likes this.
  9. Max E.

    Max E.

    Of course you arent..... When you put it in those terms neither is Jordan Perterson.
  10. exGOPer
