All I want to say about Becks gathering.

Discussion in 'Politics' started by omegapoint, Aug 26, 2010.

  1. bpcnabe


    Did anyone see all that Tea Party violence on display yesterday at the Beck Rally?
    #61     Aug 29, 2010
  2. #62     Aug 29, 2010
  3. One of my wife's sisters is a highly respected geneticist in Australia. She says that there is only one race -- the human race. The racial differences we see are "artifacts" that result from "gene pooling." Gene pooling took place over tens of thousands of years because, until the last two hundred years or so, 90% of the population never traveled more than a few miles from where they were born. Consequently, people married other people who were carrying many of the same genes. As a result, gene mututations became concentrated geographically as part of that gene pool.

    #63     Aug 29, 2010
  4. Sure, just like there is a "dog race" yet many species of dogs exist, and they all share a wolf as a common ancestor. The fact is that real scientists, here in the usa, acknowledge that race is a factor in terms of many genetic factors including genetic disorders, propensity to certain diseases, and of course the obvious such as physical appearance and hair/eye color, etc. Not that this, or the opinion of your wife's sister, is in any way relevant to this politican discussion...

    #64     Aug 29, 2010
  5. Talk to geneticists anywhere in the world and they'll tell you that gene pooling still matters (e.g., propensity for diseases among certain groups) but that clear racial distinctions are often very difficult determine.

    By the way, dogs are a species (Canis familiaris), not a race. The various breeds are "families" within the species represented by pooled genetic traits. Gene pools among dogs existed even in prehistoric times, with "breeds" descending from their wolf ancestors over 5,000 years ago. Today, most dogs do not belong excusively to any particular breed.

    #65     Aug 29, 2010
  6. To this day.....still NO VAULT ORIGINAL has yet been shown to the public, and this does not even go into all the NEW info for his Passport and Selective Service registration form (that one is a mess.....LOL!!!!!).

    BTW, how about ALL his student aid forms and college transcripts not yet released (all sealed at this time....of course, what a fricking scam minion fall guy they put in office this round.....sheeeesh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

    *** "State Dept. confirms Obama dual citizen" ***

    *** "How many names does the president have?" ***

    *** "Yes, Obama's eligible for president, in Kenya!" ***

    *** "No birth certificate among passport documents" ***

    Even a 1st grader can determine there was NO WAY in HELL barry soetoro was born in Hawaii......not even a one in a million chance!

    Also, look at his families background dealings........his world traveling parents sure did find themselves in a lot of OPS!!!

    "Bombshell: Barack Obama conclusively outed as CIA creation"
    #66     Aug 29, 2010
  7. bpcnabe


    No, your Looney Left buddies' claim that Tea Partiers are violent when so far the only ones shown to be so are the SEIU and the aforementioned Black Panthers.
    #67     Aug 29, 2010
  8. Anthropologists are the arbiters of race, not geneticists or your wife's sister.
    #68     Aug 30, 2010
  9. You are out of your league. You don't know what you are talking about. Geneticists around the world have lots of different opnions about race and genes. Your wife's sister is in one camp, a rapidly shrinking camp within the field of genetics. I can suggest some reading if you'd like. As much fancy language as they'd like to wrap it in, race is determined by nuclear and mitochondrial haplogroups. Many PC whore geneticists also tell you that "race doesn't really exist", or that "race is just a social distinction" too, but the fact is that the science doesn't support it. This topic is very much the "emporer's new clothes" of modern science. Anyways, that's irrelevant to this thread.
    #69     Aug 30, 2010