algo Trading optimization

Discussion in 'Strategy Building' started by IRONFIST_8, May 20, 2024.

should I give up?

  1. yes

    5 vote(s)
  2. hell no

    1 vote(s)
  1. I'm trying to optimize my trading strategy using the genetic optimization tool in MT4, but I'm not having any success. I'm not sure if it's because I set a 10-year optimization period and let it run for 7 hours without getting any results.

    When I set up another strategy with a 1-month optimization period, I started getting results within a few minutes. However, when I changed my strategy to a 1-month period, I didn't get any results.

    What should I do?
  2. mbquant


    Hi there,

    One reason that comes to my mind would be the time complexity of your strategy.

    The underlying model that you are using may not be well suited for larger timeframes.

    Another reason can be numerous and/or complex parameters in your strategy.