Algo & Quant traders

Discussion in 'Trading' started by wxytrader, Apr 19, 2024.

  1. These are the same people who will tell you that "Past performance is no guarantee of future results" when talking about TA lol. All they do is backtest. What's up with that? Algos are more just a way to automate a losing strategy based on rigid rules. Quant trading is more flexible as its more about finding opportunities.

    Algorithmic (algo) traders use automated systems that analyze chart patterns then open and close positions on their behalf. Quant traders use statistical methods to identify, but not necessarily execute, opportunities. While they overlap each other, these are two separate techniques that shouldn't be confused.

    Quant trading employs a wide range of statistical and mathematical techniques to analyze data and develop predictive models. Technical analysis-based trading is more focused on identifying patterns and trends in price data.

    Quant and TA sound like the same thing...I mean chart patterns essentially have all the quant math built in. Quant trading is like trying to find the recipe for a cake when you can just go buy the cake. Quant trading would make sense if charts didn't exist lol.
    Last edited: Apr 19, 2024
    SimpleMeLike likes this.
  2. 2rosy


    what's your background?
  3. Right now it looks like a waterfall in Thailand I'm guessing?
    d08 likes this.
  4. maxinger


    Algo trading
    Quant trading
    TA trading

    are all useless, worthless stones.
    But lazy people with fortune-telling mentality think otherwise.

    You have to choose one and polish and polish and polish it
    for many many decades (or infinity) until it becomes a priceless gem.
  5. Algo is to automate strategies discovered by quant.
    Maverick2608, rb7 and EIDSTER like this.
  6. Yes but quants are only able to discover patterns that already exist in the chart. Like I'm sure that quants would be focusing on triangles if charts didn't exist, and they found repeated tightening ranges forming. This is why we have charts.

    Also lets not give algos any more credit than what they are...they are automated trading based on the same rigid rules that every other trader uses like mac d crossovers etc.
    Last edited: Apr 19, 2024
  7. They say you can lead a horse to water etc. I have posted multiple projections that have been bang that was over a year out. Not just me however...anyone who understands Fibonacci cycles could have done the same. That is the elitist of elite when it comes to trading...its what every algo, quant, TA trader strives to achieve. Well algos not so much...they are just following indicators blindly.
  8. Hello wxytrader,

    I am not sure what algo trading or quant trading is. I give up on that those 2 things. They do not put money in my pocket.

    Algo trading = too hard for me, too much work.

    Clicking buy and sell button is what pays me.

    $3500 for the month so far.

    Show me an algo or quant trader who can do this in the Algo or Quant trading. THERE IS NONE.

    Algo trading and quant trading= SCAM

    JamesOptions likes this.
  9. Hello wxytrader,

    Please show me 1 algo or quant trader who is a millionaire from being a algo or quant trader.

    Thank you,

    P.S. There is None.
  10. taowave


    In your world there is none...

    In the real world,there are many

    #10     Apr 19, 2024
    kenten, p0box4, Occam and 4 others like this.