Alexis Tsipras' "open letter" to German citizens

Discussion in 'Economics' started by Tsing Tao, Jan 29, 2015.

  1. I don't have your patience for soap box speeches.

    Read my post which mentioned just a few points.. Read all the stuff I didn't mention but you imply I did, like debt forgiveness, deception, etc.

    Of course the possibility exists that your post is more for the benefit of others reading this, in which case carry on with the hint hint wink wink.
    #1131     May 2, 2015
  2. You are a word jongleur, exactly like Tsingtao.

    So your own words "the bailout was a bank bailout dressed up as a Greece bailout. " do not infer deception?

    Dress up = "to make someone or something appear fancier than is actually so."

    Please let's not descent into the previous 114 page word plays, could we?

    #1132     May 2, 2015
  3. Didn't deceive me. As soon as the actual allocation of funds was revealed, it was clear as day that it was a bank bailout in all but name.

    Were you deceived?

    And don't rush with the answer. I've got 5 Super Rugby games and one European Championship to watch and I prefer that to this back and forth.

    Have fun.
    #1133     May 2, 2015
  4. :D
    #1134     May 2, 2015
  5. Yes, European private creditors were returned their dues which Greece otherwise would have refused to service. At the same time Greece was kept from default. I call that the best possible solution at that time under the then prevalent environment. Damage was minimized. Not too bad in my book.

    You sound more like a disgruntled trader who was short euros and got stuffed.

    #1135     May 2, 2015
  6. Nah, wasn't trading currencies at that time. SEA markets are inflated with hot QE money. A Greek default/exit with implications for the European banking system and potential for contagion would have had people crapping their pants and pulling out of EMs as fast as they could, opening the door to cheap acquisition of some solid Thai stocks. I'm talking well managed companies paying 5-8% dividends every year, some with room for capital appreciation as well.

    Keeping Greece from default was an unavoidable consequence of bailing out its creditors. Banks have been dirt in the eyes of the people of Europe and America post-Lehman. Allowing Greece to default and then doing an open taxpayer bailout would have been politically unpalatable. Easier to tell people it's a bailout of Greece to preserve the European project blah blah.
    #1136     May 2, 2015
  7. Well whatever project you are talking about the Dax is swinging from one high to the next. Some international investors have been so stupid to buy Bunds at negative yields and will probably get the ass rape of a lifetime for that. Spaniards happily party and dine outside and Frenchman are not in a bad mood either. looks like Europe is still open for business. We welcome our friends from the Isles. ..

    PS people would have actually liked it much better if they had been told that their national institutions were saved. Already at that time the rest of Europe was pretty much fed up with its Greek neighbors. Every German would have taken Deutsche Bank anytime over some greedy Greek farmer or beurocrat.

    #1137     May 2, 2015
  8. Tsing Tao

    Tsing Tao

    You can't convince volpunter of anything. He's right, everyone's wrong, and that's all there is to it.
    #1138     May 2, 2015
  9. He's undoubtedly intelligent, but thinks in a linear fashion and holds fixed views, which sadly would preclude exploration for the sake of intellectual curiosity. Pity that.
    #1139     May 2, 2015
  10. Tsing Tao

    Tsing Tao

    No question on him being intelligent. The more you try to explore views outside his predefined matrix, the more hostile he becomes. Eventually he declares you "add no value" because he doesn't like your narrative and it goes South from there.
    #1140     May 4, 2015