Alexandra Pelosi (Nancy's Daughter) is brilliant.

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Max E., Mar 17, 2012.

  1. Max E.

    Max E.

    You know the thing that i found which really pointed out just how fucked up liberals like maher are is this.

    Maher repeatedly tried to drill home the point out that the toothless hill billies in the first video were unedited, and kept on trying to imply that is somehow an accurate representation of EVERYONE in Mississippi, then right after he defends the people in the second video.

    Does Maher really think that all of Mississippi is full of of the toothlessrednecks presented in the first video? Does he think that they couldnt have found just as many backword black people who live in the deep country of Mississippi who would have looked just as stupid?

    The people they interviewed in the second video were from NEW YORK, is there really any comparison between someone(even the biggest idiot) from downtown New York, and someone from the back woods of mississippi? Race doesnt even matter in that case, location does.

    That was what i loved about Alexandra Pelosi, she exposed just how stupid Liberals like Bill Maher really are about a topic like that, and how ridiculous his "political correctness" was.

    #21     Mar 17, 2012
  2. gwb-trading


    Here is the video from a week earlier when she interviewed people in Mississippi.

    <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
    #22     Mar 17, 2012
  3. Maverick74


    Max, I'll one up you. There are more blacks in Mississippi percentage wise then any other state (38%). Yet, Alexandra focuses not on them, but on whites. And not on the affluent, educated whites, but poor, rural uneducated whites. That's a very small part of the population. Yet somehow to liberals, they make up the majority of the population of the south.
    #23     Mar 17, 2012
  4. I think she did a good job trying to make a point about the topic of President Obama. She showed the welfare recipient in MS who hated the President. And the welfare recipients in NYC who loved the President, or at least the money. The similarities were basic, they want the money, or they have jobs and want God to decide their life path. Which, in itself, is a personal choice.

    I am against most forms of welfare, and certainly the generational type, white or minority. They should be made to do some work, wash gov't vehicles, pound nails, clean graffitti, something. I don't see why this is so hard to implement. And, please don't say the 'liberals' won't allow it, that's a copout.

    Any suggestions on how to get something like workfare in place?

    #24     Mar 17, 2012
  5. Max E.

    Max E.

    I dont think Pelosi was necessarily as concerned about painting white conservatives into a corner as Maher was, she gave a fair/accurate description afterwords.

    On the other hand i think that Maher was pushing the Narrative of the white toothless hill billy real hard, because that is actually what he thinks the average conservative is like, he is so self absorbed that he thinks that the world ends once you leave California, and everyone who doesnt subscribe to his line of thinking on every single issue is an idiot.

    He has a segment on his show talking about how conservatives "live in a bubble," I dont think that there could ever be a better representation of someone living in a "bubble" than Bill Maher himself.

    #25     Mar 17, 2012
  6. Daxtrader


    +1. If you have no disability, there is no way you cannot find work, no matter how bad the economy is. There is always something you can do to make money. I know a window cleaner making $7000 a month. I offered him a few ways to expand his business and his exact words were "I'm totally happy right now. I have lots of money saved up and don't want to change anything or take new risks". This guy was broke at one point and never asked for a handout. The guy in the video was doing pushups outside of the welfare office. That's disgusting. These people don't realize that money is coming out of someone else's pocket.

    Liberals like to argue that we need to level the playing field to give poor folks an opportunity to get out of poverty. It doesn't seem like these welfare folks want to improve their situation.
    #26     Mar 17, 2012
  7. Eight


    damn, we're depriving some soldiers somewhere of some weapons upgrades! People have been feeding themselves for hundreds of generations without any stamps, I don't get this stamp thingy at all...
    #27     Mar 17, 2012
  8. Lucrum


    And if you're a bleeding heart liberal you never focus on the 70 Billion expense, except of course to increase it.
    #28     Mar 17, 2012
  9. Lucrum


    You take Nancy and I'll take her evil spawn. :)
    #29     Mar 17, 2012
  10. Well at least 1 is in the Constitution, the other is just vote buying with other peoples money.
    #30     Mar 17, 2012