Alex L. Wasilewski, Jack Hershey & Adolph Hitler walk into a bar

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by Thundergod, Apr 11, 2009.

  1. I thought this was one of the few threads of mine that actually belonged in psychology.. oh well try try again
    #51     Apr 12, 2009
  2. Brandonf

    Brandonf Sponsor

    Why would it still not? Poltics has been brought into focus, but only to point out that the leadership of both parties are a bunch of PSYCHOPATH power mongers who care more about themselves then about "the folks".
    #52     Apr 12, 2009
  3. I knew a joke about Jack and Alex could come to no good
    #53     Apr 12, 2009
  4. I say you're as naive and clueless as Hitler was psychopathic to equate the two.
    #54     Apr 12, 2009
  5. Brandonf

    Brandonf Sponsor

    Most on on the left will choose not to look seriously at it, but thats more of a reflection on them then me. Just because it pisses you off and you dont want it to be true doesnt mean its not.
    #55     Apr 12, 2009
  6. Ahhh left right black white night day.. beware the person that talks in absolutes
    #56     Apr 12, 2009
  7. Oh please... get yourself an education and grow up. You're just a self-absorbed kid who doesn't know how good he has it. You don't know what you don't know, little boy. This statement of yours below has got to be one of the all time most ignorant things ever said on ET and that's saying a lot. If I were God I'd beam you back in time to a nazi concentration camp until you got some perspective and a grasp on reality.

    I'm simply saying that we have a group of leaders who are doing the exact same thing Hitler did right before the gas chambers got going, and they are just as amoral and just as nuts.

    #57     Apr 12, 2009
  8. This. Right on man. Damn straight JJ.

    Exactly. This kind of thing happens in third world countries constantly and occasionally finds its way into the first world as well.

    Hell, look at the story of blood diamonds for a perfect example. The drug trade is another fine example, whether referring to South America, Afghanistan, etc it's all the same.
    #58     Apr 12, 2009
  9. Brandonf

    Brandonf Sponsor

    Well if I would god I'd beam you back to 3rd grade and let you take reading comprehension 101 again because I very clearly stated, several times, that my analogy was pre concentration camp, pre final solution. Once those occured he (Hitler) obviously entered a new universe of evil.
    I'll state it again. They both picked an easy scape goat and did not care what happened to those they decided to use as tools to gain more power.
    It stops at that point, in the use of a scape goat to gain power. They have obviously never come up with anything like a final solution, and to say that everything they have done is as bad as what Hitler has done is to cheapen how terrible Hitler is, the same as when your Liberal buddies used to call ex President Bush the Fuhrer.
    #59     Apr 12, 2009
  10. You're both confusing apples with oranges.

    Genocide is about organized hatred, propaganda and the denial of the humanity of national, ethnic, racial or religious groups for the purpose of exterminating them.

    Financial motives and exploitation are by definition about making/taking money and its concurrence with genocide doesn't mean it's the motivation for it.

    If a skinhead guns down a group of blacks with an AK-47 because he thinks the world will be better off with fewer blacks, does that mean his motivation was financial if he decides to go through their pockets after the shootings?
    #60     Apr 12, 2009