Alerts for the new threads can not access

Discussion in 'Feedback' started by trendlover, Dec 27, 2014.

  1. Hello Baron! My question is for when I have receive new alert for thread in the ET. I see this alert on my computer, so then I click on that alert for that thread. Always when I do this I can not go to the thread. I always see "The page can't be displayed" So I am not blaming you, I am asking if why this happen. Is my computer?
  2. Baron

    Baron ET Founder

    Does this happen on every new thread alert? Or does it happen only occasionally?
  3. Yes. This happen on the new thread alerts to my computer. This is not some big problem because I can go to your website to the new threads, and can access new threads. But I can not access from the alert link you send to me.
  4. Baron

    Baron ET Founder

    Does this happen on the alerts you receive via email? Or the alerts on the site at the top right of the page? Or both?
  5. Is from alert I receive when I am on the internet. So for example I am on the internet. Not on the ET. I hear a sound like music, then I see in the right corner of my pc the written alert from ET. The alert tell me new threads of ET. I click that alert to see and read. Always I only see (This page can not be displayed)
  6. Baron

    Baron ET Founder

    Interesting. You're the only person who has reported such a problem to my knowledge, so it's very hard for me to say what it could be at this point.
  7. Ok, thank you Baron. So maybe this is my pc?
  8. Baron

    Baron ET Founder

    Possibly. Do you have another computer or mobile device that you could use temporarily to see if you still have the same problem?
  9. I will try to do that. No. I do not have mobile device with the smart phone, but I can try to find another computer like you ask me. My brother is not the pc expertise but he is saying to me our pc have old microsoft system to not support your elite trader applications. So I will wait to hear what my brother find. I do not understand how the pc is working, but I use the pc.
  10. My brother say knowledge is power. He tell me the internet is knowledge and propaganda. So he sometimes is protecting with me to want to read and access the internet worldwide.
    #10     Dec 29, 2014