Alan Dershowitz defends Spitzer

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Retired, Mar 11, 2008.

  1. I dont think AD needed the money on any case he takes. LOL
    #51     Mar 13, 2008
  2. Dershowitz is a scumbag. This is a guy who helped defend O.J. No wonder he's simpatico to whoring.

    Spitzer is beyond defense. He made millions in Cramers front run the upgrades fund but then came down on Wall Street like it was a den of thieves. He spent untold amounts of NY taxpayer funds going after the compensation package of a man who was being paid not by a public corporation but by a private association. He went so far as to threaten Grasso criminally! A man/lawyer who would violate the sanctity of his marriage with a prostitute (and illegally cover up his deeds) is the type who would prosecute on manufactured evidence. Spitzer is a bad guy. Good riddance.
    #52     Mar 13, 2008
  3. Agree,

    "A young man of great integrity and conservative lifestyle, it was shocking for me to hear this, but I think it's way, way overblown," Dershowitz said.

    :D :D

    "These money laundering statutes were designed to catch organized crime, terrorists and not some guy to pay a prostitute," Dershowitz said.

    Translation: we made money laundering laws and the patriot act wide and ambiguous enough to catch also our political enemies but not one of us.

    "If people have lost trust in him, if they think he's a hypocrite -- that's a perfect basis for voting against him. He won overwhelmingly. He should stay in office. He shouldn't be prosecuted except for, perhaps, a state misdemeanor for paying money for a prostitute, and we should put this all in perspective," Dershowitz said.

    Typical neocon thinking, if I cheat, steal and lie and still win an election, then if you don't like it, just shut up and vote against me in the next election.
    #53     Mar 13, 2008
  4. Retired


    Alan Dershowitz on SpitzerGate: What Is This? Russia?

    Lavrenti Beria, the head of Joseph Stalin’s KGB, once quipped to his boss, “show me the man and I will find the crime.” The Soviet Union was notorious for having accordion-like criminal laws that could be adjusted to fit almost any dissident target. The U.S. is a far cry from the Soviet Union, but our laws are dangerously overbroad. — Alan Dershowitz
    #54     Mar 14, 2008
  5. traderob


    This issue again highlights that USA is one of the most (leaving aside the Arabs) prudish countries in the world.

    Even Clinton felt so prssured by the moralising attitude of Americans that he had to lie.
    #55     Mar 14, 2008
  6. traderob


    What's wrong with whoring?
    #56     Mar 14, 2008
  7. Cutten


    If you are married and/or in law enforcement - quite a lot. First you are breaking your marriage vows, second you are inflicting severe emotional distress on your wife, and third and most importantly, you are risking infecting her with incurable viruses like herpes or even HIV. And as a prosecutor and governor, you are expected to obey the law more so than the average Joe.

    If Spitzer was a single guy out of government office, I doubt this would be a big deal.
    #57     Mar 14, 2008
  8. Cutten


    #58     Mar 14, 2008
  9. Cutten


    You are forgetting his wife. His marriage vows prohibit infidelity - that's breach of contract. Affairs cause immense emotional distress to the wronged party - not sure if that's illegal, but it's certainly immoral and cruel. Then there's the very real chance that by screwing a woman in a high-risk group, he will contract an STD and then pass it on to his unsuspecting wife - that is reckless endangerment of someone's health, and if it isn't illegal in the US then it damn well ought to be.

    How would you like it if you were married, and your partner screwed a hooker then gave you herpes, genital warts, hepatitis, syphillis or even HIV?
    #59     Mar 14, 2008
  10. Turok


    >You are forgetting his wife. His marriage vows
    >prohibit infidelity - that's breach of contract.

    I'm betting you don't *know* what is marriage vows "prohibit". While you are *likely* correct, I've known several married couples who's vows did not include monogamy.

    #60     Mar 14, 2008