Alan Dershowitz defends Spitzer

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Retired, Mar 11, 2008.

  1. Retired


    Spitzer spent two years working for Harvard professor Alan Dershowitz, who was quick to defend Spitzer Tuesday.

    "These money laundering statutes were designed to catch organized crime, terrorists and not some guy to pay a prostitute," Dershowitz said.

    Dershowitz said forcing Spitzer's resignation is wrong.
  2. absolutely right... wonder how much it costs the US taxpayer having FBI teams pursuing such high crimes :))))))))))))) guess Spitzer's biggest mistake really is to choose to live in the US...
  3. Apparently the bank alerted the FBI because the money transfers raised suspicion of bribery.

    When you make your reputation as a Mr. Clean reformer as Spitzer did, people are going to expect you to walk the walk.
  4. Turok


    Yep, that's my laugh about all this -- I couldn't care less what he spends on the hookers, or that he's into hookers ... it's the tough on crime guy out hopping the felony train that provides the fuel on this one.

    I think prosititution should be legal, but since it isn't, I hope they nail him to the full extent of the law this round.

  5. sure... and... where is his crime again?

    charging for sex, arranging discreet encounters with professional prostitutes as a business might be illegal in some retarded countries, but paying for a service provided by a consenting adult????

    the guy's just a victim of his own addictions... seems to me the FBI has violated his privacy rights instead... but perhaps not in your twisted legal system... WTF...
  6. Well besides the prostitution wrap we have adultery....

    NY state penal code :
    Section 255.17 Adultery

    A person is guilty of adultery when he engages in sexual intercourse with another person at a time when he has a living spouse, or the other person has a living spouse.

    Adultery is a class B misdemeanor.
  7. Turok


    >sure... and... where is his crime again?

    It's not a question of "where's the crime?" -- clearly, in that jurisdiction a crime was committed.

    The question is -- "where's the victim?".

    Some would argue that the wife is the victim -- ok, sure ... but no more the victim than if he had picked up a couger at the local pub and spent the night.

    Making adultery an enforced crime doesn't seem to be a popular option in this country -- I don't get why people still think that call girls should be illegal.

  8. Have you ever heard of "structuring"? I remember reading about a poor schmuck getting 2 years in federal prison just related to concealing cash withdrawals from his bank using small amounts.

    Also, there was the little problem of arranging and paying for her travel from New York to D.C. That violates the Mann Act. Finally, there is a potential conspiracy charge also.

    edit: Oh, and these are Federal charges not State. Adultery? come on.

  9. I think we can all agree its not about what crimes...but who commited them. You simply cannot hold yourself out there as the high and mighty savior of the people, using vendettas to further your career and expect people to ignore some BS like this.

    Come on...
  10. Have him attend some sensitivity training, a thousand hours of community service and move on. Chrissake, he's busted. Do you think he'd do it again?
    #10     Mar 12, 2008