Al Gore, academy award winner and hypocrite.

Discussion in 'Politics' started by sputdr, Feb 26, 2007.

  1. Radical Leftists like Gore need to be exposed for what they really socialist, anti capitalist left overs from the sixties. He and his kind are dangerous to the future of our country. I will not allow him, or his kind, to further destroy my party. Least not without a fight.
    I have no desire to assist the Republican party by pointing out their flaws in pandering to the christian right whack jobs. The Democratic party needs to offer a better choice, not just a different one. We can't do that being obsessed with the far right. We need to clean up our own act and the people will respond.
    #21     Feb 27, 2007
  2. Captain, My Captain! The voice of reason shines through yet again.

    Whether or not it will penetrate the deep fog that is the moonbat mindset remains to be seen. Frankly, I doubt that it will....
    #22     Feb 27, 2007
  3. You're a wingnut, and a dishonest one. This post is as clear an admission as any.
    #23     Feb 27, 2007
  4. man


    excuse me. just that there is no misunderstanding. the
    "party" you are referring to, HAS BEEN in power for
    decades. it is this very party which is destroying the
    belief in honesty, intelligence, creativity and in america
    itself. the only danger to the future is your "party". and
    naive, greedy or corrupt individuals like you seem to be

    the position for your "fight" is alreday so radically right,
    that almost everybody with a different opinion is
    inevitably left of you. and whenever such person speaks
    up, you and yours alike call him or her "RADICAL Lefties".
    #24     Feb 27, 2007
  5. man


    frankly i hope it won't.
    #25     Feb 27, 2007
  6. Cesko


    What you are saying is that you don't understand how these people (Gore-like) could be dangerous to the country?

    As many times before, I recommend anybody to read Gustave Le Bon. If your comprehension is just average you should be clear about why people like Gore are dangerous.
    #26     Feb 27, 2007
  7. Attackers of Gore are recommending fascism. How appropriate...
    #27     Feb 27, 2007
  8. Wow, comprehension problems abound in you..
    #28     Feb 27, 2007
  9. The radical left won't let go easily, but if enough real dems like myself have the courage to call a spade a spade, perhaps there is hope for our country. I just can't sit back and watch the socialists take over. The socialist movement is so strong it has even filtered into the republican party. The immigration fiasco is very telling in that regard. Bush is the most pro socialist republican I've ever seen. Perhaps a viable third party is the only answer, but radical leftists will do whatever it takes to stop that from happening.
    #29     Feb 27, 2007
  10. I'm not saying that at all!

    Gore is an attention-loving hypocrite, like so many politicians on BOTH sides of the aisle.

    What I am saying is that the good Capt. is right in pointing out that his party must not let the nutjobs like Gore hijack his party (although it appears to be too late).

    We both want to see a candidate that puts the greater good ahead of his/her personal ambitions and can get beyond the blame politics and ignorance that are threatening to destroy the fabric of our land.

    The good Capt., being a Democrat, and myself, being a Republican, have much more in common than either of us have with vast swathes of our own parties.
    #30     Feb 27, 2007