Aide to Sen. Boxer Fired After Being Charged in Child Porno Sting...

Discussion in 'Politics' started by John_Wensink, Nov 15, 2008.

  1. I didn't see the article.

    My belief is that both parties are equally perverted.

    The difference is the republican party tries to portray themselves as the moral majority, as somehow superior.

    These days nobody is too shocked to find out some senator was in a toilet trying to initiate sex with someone in the stall next to him, or that a congressman was looking for gay sex with a page, or that a preacher was hiring a male prostitute for gay sex.

    The major difference is the republican moral right wing portrays republicans as less likely to engage in sin or depravity.

    I am not shocked that someone in any-one's campaign or employ had kiddie porn on their computer.

    The issue is that we as a country have depraved individuals in both parties.

    All this nonsense that one party or one religion, or one religious group is morally superior is bullshit.

    We have some systemic problems that come from a more free an open society.

    Does this mean that several hundred years ago in America we didn't have spouses cheating on each other, or child molestation, or homosexual behavior?

    I think the problem has been going on for a long time.

    However, when a person places themselves others in a position of moral superiority, what often falls or is at least revealed is that their moral superiority is simply a cover up for their own depravity.

    #11     Nov 15, 2008
  2. Agreed, both parties have their black sheep.
    #12     Nov 15, 2008
  3. Mercor


    Your computer is loaded with files of perv. politicians. What a sick fetish.

    Quick wrist action on loading those 3 posts in rapid fire. You must really get excited when you see politician porn posts.
    #13     Nov 15, 2008
  4. kut2 just dropped a nuclear bomb :)
    #14     Nov 15, 2008
  5. Mercor


    Always interesting to see someone punctuate the word nuclear bomb with a smiley face.
    #15     Nov 15, 2008
  6. kut2k2


    Mercor, you're even more retarded than most of your ilk. Maybe you'll make my ignore file yet.

    It's called an internet search, dumbass. Have a nonretarded adult or a bright child near you explain what "the google", as your president calls it, is all about. BTW nothing is saved to my hardrive once I've posted it because, unlike you, I am not search-challenged.
    #16     Nov 15, 2008
  7. kut2k2


    From the new movie "Valkyrie":

    "There is no problem that cannot be solved by high explosives."

    #17     Nov 15, 2008
  8. Yes, you responded by using a sledge hammer to kill an ant. It's your gross over reaction to any criticism of your party that causes one to take pause. Your arguments would have more credibility if you, on occasion, would admit just how fucked up the Dems are...just as fucked up as the Repubs.
    #18     Nov 15, 2008
  9. kut2k2


    The criticism makes no sense. The sick behavior of two individuals is being used to indict the whole Democratic Party. That's why my response was appropriate, no matter how much it pisses you off. Neither the Dems nor the Reps advocate perversion, but if it comes down to a contest of which party has a bigger number of crooks and perverts, YOU GUYS LOSE.
    #19     Nov 15, 2008
  10. My point exactly, the daily kos and huffington post typically do not carry stories that contradict their political ideology.

    Hence, they are worthless.
    #20     Nov 15, 2008