Ahmadinejad at Columbia - where's the love for the non-moonbat speakers?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by hapaboy, Sep 24, 2007.

  1. In a cyberlibrary bursting at the seams with unadulterated, steaming faeces straight from the mouth of the Ubertroll, this particular comment has to rank as one of its more assinine.

    You can just see it now - Bush in a motorcade in Tehran. Security provided by....Hezbollah!! Oh yeah, his safety there would just be GUARANTEED, boys and girls!!


    As for all you moonbats screeching out your conspiracy theories about Bush looking for any excuse to go to war with Iran, how does this thought hit you: If Bush really wants to go to war, and the American public is so "brainwashed" into believing Ahmadinejad is evil and the second coming of Hitler, and the neocons control everything including carrying out the 9/11 attacks, THEN WHY THE FUCK IS AHMADINEJAD STILL BREATHING OXYGEN ON U.S. SOIL? Wouldn't the evil, Bush/Cheney/Jewish cabal just kill him to incite the war? After all, they're so powerful, they just don't give a shit anyway, right? I mean, they rule the airwaves, the media at large, they could SPIN the assassination anyway they wanted to, couldn't they?

    Good grief but you morons are a waste of carbon.
    #41     Sep 26, 2007
  2. Um, wouldnt security be provided by the iranian police, or the revolutionary guard?

    I guess hezbollah guys could get a bus through syria/turkey or something, or via iraq.......
    #42     Sep 26, 2007

  3. Hezbollah does not exists in Iran. They exists only in Lebanon and Gaza.
    #43     Sep 26, 2007
  4. DrEvil


    You are asking why Bush/Cheney just don't whack Ahmadinejad in broad daylight.

    Come on, are you serious? Maybe they could spin that one with the american public, but do you expect the rest of the world to buy that one?

    Iran have made agreements to supply oil to China for next 25 years. Fooling the american public would be the easy part!

    If most americans ponder such 911 gems as building 7, and look with their own eyes they will know that something is terribly wrong with the picture.

    That kind of truth is scary, and I can understant that it is easier to look the other way.
    #44     Sep 26, 2007
  5. And that makes you feel good because.....?

    Hezbollah, which Iran supports, would not be there...and you know that how?

    The point is that there is no way security could be guaranteed, and the Ubertroll makes it out to be a simple matter of Bush not having the guts to go.
    #45     Sep 26, 2007
  6. That doesn't make sense. According to you CT'ers, the US of A is despised all over the world precisely because the rest of the world is clearly onto the whole US imperialist thing which Bush, Cheney, and the Jewish cabal lead.
    In other words, Bush and Co. don't give a rats ass what the rest of the world thinks of it, so why would it prevent them from smoking the Ahmid-moron?
    #46     Sep 26, 2007

  7. Oh, i just like to try and help my geopolitically challenged cyber neighbours:D :D
    #47     Sep 26, 2007
  8. DrEvil


    How am I a CT'er? I am just someone who knows that a steel and concrete building does not collapse in perfect vertical manner at free fall speed from a small fire (building 7). I know what a demolition looks like.

    I have the laws of physics on my side, and ample footage of police and fire dept telling people to get back cause they are going to pull it before it fell.

    What do you have?

    I didn't mention jews either pal.

    Bush/Cheney can't push around other nuclear countries. Two nuclear powers can't go to war, it's checkmate and everyone dies.

    The "Ahmid-moron" comes across as far more articulate and intelligent than the current redneck adminstration.
    #48     Sep 26, 2007
  9. The first strike(s) will be masked. It will not be certain from where the dirty bomb(s) sourced.

    But a source will be decided by deciders.

    By the tone of the rhetoric, can you predict who's capital will be targeted for retaliation?

    That will seem to be the end of the matter once and for all.

    So the market will reflect that sentiment for many years to come.

    #49     Sep 26, 2007
  10. Oh, perhaps this post of yours gave you away:

    And this one:

    You're a CT'er.

    Fair enough.

    Iran does not yet have nuclear arms. That is the point - to prevent them from acquiring such weapons.

    Yeah, if Bush was executing gay people, having teenage girls stoned to death for flirting with boys, and promoting a return to the good ole days of the 7th century, I'm sure you'd cast your vote for his intelligence.
    #50     Sep 26, 2007