“Goldman Sachs the Pillage People” is holding its Annual Board Meeting in India

Discussion in 'Wall St. News' started by SouthAmerica, Mar 30, 2012.

  1. March 30, 2012

    SouthAmerica: For the last 2 years this thread “Goldman Sachs is it a Cancer or just a Parasite of the US financial system?” has been in the ET Economics forum, but after I posted the following on this thread it was moved to the Chit Chat forum to hide this information:

    That means that there a lot of substance to this posting otherwise they would not bother to try to hide the information.

    Here is the information that they don't want people to see it:

    March 29, 2012

    SouthAmerica: The Occupy Wall Street movement in New York City has run the “Goldman Sachs the Pillage People” out of town - all the way to India.

    Hah, hah, hah...

    PS: The Indians can keep these thieves in India on a permanent basis.

    Goldman Sachs picks India for board meeting – March 29, 2012

    <iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/CT_l6ZD-Q_U" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>


    It's big news in Wall Street when its most prominent symbol of Wall Street is forced to move its Annual Board Meeting to India, instead of having it in New York City.

    In March 30, 2012 “Goldman Sachs the Pillage People” is holding its Annual Board Meeting in India, instead of New York City.

    The Occupy Wall Street movement in New York City has run the “Goldman Sachs the Pillage People” out of town - all the way to India.

    “Goldman Sachs the Pillage People” rather have a very quiet Annual Board Meeting in India than confronting “The Occupy Wall Street” movement in New York City, mainly after all the bad publicity that this company has received in the last month regarding how disgusting this company is in every sense - a real cancer of Wall Street.


    And here is the location in chit chat of that thread:

    Goldman Sachs is it a Cancer or just a Parasite of the US financial system?

  2. xiaodre


    I wonder why they didn't hold it in Somalia. That's where their home base is.
  3. I wonder what the economic costs in lost business are for NYC by having the meeting in India?
  4. Wow. Now they can build board meetings in India. Cool.

    Some ops manager just made his numbers.
  5. hahahah

    so true