After they pervert marriage, they now want to pervert Christianity.

Discussion in 'Religion and Spirituality' started by peilthetraveler, Jul 1, 2012.

  1. 1. nothing. hell is a figment of a superstitious mind. it has no basis in fact.
    2. who knows. jesus,if he existed , never wrote a single word down. all we have is hear say dated 100 years after the fact.
    3. repent to whom for what?

    how is it that grown educated men cant see through the obvious myth that is hell? you should be ashamed that you are so gullible..
    #41     Jul 2, 2012
  2. Quite honestly you appear very adamant about a subject which you obviously know nothing about.

    My experiences indicate the directly opposite conclusion.

    your mileage may vary , just don't get it into your head that your ineptitude/lack of experience is a condition shared by everyone.
    #42     Jul 2, 2012
  3. ok i will play along with your little delusion. what is your best evidence for a literal hell. surely you looked at real evidence before you bought in?
    #43     Jul 2, 2012
  4. Reference global warming for your answers.
    #44     Jul 2, 2012
  5. Yes but I'm not willing to play along with your delusion.
    I just made a statement of fact you can either accept it or reject it, I don't really give a rats ass which you choose.
    I'm 100% sure I've done a more thorough investigation on these matters than you ( because at one time I believed as you do and that is no longer the case).

    Like I said your mileage may vary and I suspect that has an awful lot to do with the quality and sincerity of the depth of your study/search.

    I 'll give you a hint: I lived in a monastery for a year.

    So forgive me if I don't take your trite and ignorant opinion as the gospel.
    #45     Jul 2, 2012

  6. just trying to determine the depth of your critical thinking ability. if you claim to do a through investigation you surely must have come up with something that you consider important.
    the problem is people like you investigate in the bible and not about the bible where the truth can be found. you think you learned truth in a monastery where group think is the only think allowed?
    #46     Jul 2, 2012
  7. These bible types won't ever get into objective thinking, and I don't really blame them. Faith is a great thing, regardless of how irrational it sounds. Without faith, so many would be left with nothing to believe in, nothing to make up for their earthly failings, the need for forgiveness. I mean it with all my heart, faith is a good thing for so many of us.

    I believe in something like a higher power, something I cannot prove nor care to, nor have to. I am not a fan, however, of the bible stories and all the dogma. So much to deal with, so many contradictions. So much hypocrisy.

    We all, I'm guessing, find ourselves in the "no atheists in foxholes" dilemma at some time in our lives.

    So many other arguments to have, politics, ACA, Right against Left, wish that would somehow come back to the middle, and be discussed as equals, but that's something to pray for I guess.
    #47     Jul 2, 2012
  8. Pardon me but what does your critical thinking tell you about the taste of an orange?
    #48     Jul 2, 2012
  9. i am different. i value intellectual honesty. if i go into a store and a salesman missleads me it pisses me off. i want to know the truth before i buy something.
    #49     Jul 2, 2012
  10. That's funny I value people who don't have their heads up their assess "demanding everyone else accept their shitty world view".
    #50     Jul 2, 2012