Affordable Housing

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Error 404, Apr 16, 2004.

  1. Sounds good for Error...but what about the guys. They will want to drag home some of that "Thai eye candy" he has talked about. How can they get some action going when the bunk beds are stacked triple high...and all those other guys hanging out???
    #11     Apr 16, 2004

  2. Now there's a killer business plan if I've ever seen one. I can just picture the bank manager reading through this one thinking, "hmm... yes....yes.....this one's lookin' good....four guys to a room,... hey, that's sweet, cos I mean, shit, I know all I ever wanted to do was shack up with 15 other guys in a four bedroom house....there's a formula for 100% occupancy... this one's a shoe in..."
    #12     Apr 17, 2004
  3. Dan, so much knowledge in that little head, it is overwhelming. Bank manager? For what? You think Americans can buy a home in Thailand with a mortgage??? Guess again.

    LOL....that was Mav's plan, not mine. I would never consider having more than one person in a room. If we do the four bedroom home, (most likely...the 5 bedroom is almost twice the price) we would set up an office and be open to having two (possibly three) tenants.

    The amount of time either myself or my partner need to be in the area is very limited. If I had the house full of tenants, I would take a hotel room for myself if I needed. I see no reason to ever be there for more than a week until both my wife an I are retired.

    I don't want a "crash pad". I wouldn't want anyone who did not want to commit to at least three or four months.

    We see this as just a (possibly) good investment. If we can get some cash flow out of it, all the better.

    MAX....I would give you a special rate. As a matter of fact, since you know so much about everything, you can be the custodian and live there for free. Just mow the lawn, fix the plumbing, be the IT guy.....hell, I will even buy a Tuk-Tuk for your own personal use. All you would need to do with it is pick me up at the airport two or three times a year. The only thing I would want from you would be a promise to wear a tool belt and look the part.

    #13     Apr 17, 2004
  4. Oh, puhleeze, RS7, everyone on ET knows that you don't lower yourself to be driven, you take the chopper in.
    #14     Apr 17, 2004

  5. It was Mav who brought up the mortgage payments. Besides, I didn't think he was referring to Thailand, speaking of $2MM homes and all.

    ps -- you don't have to like me (I certainly don't like you, much), but do you think you could reply to a post of mine without making references to my knowledge level (or social ability, or likelihood of raising a know, your usual act)? Even in that adorable 'uncle rs7' tone? Thanks.
    #15     Apr 17, 2004
  6. does the house have a nice deck like this one?

    #16     Apr 17, 2004

  7. Well, without cashflow I have a hard time calling something a 'good investment', unless you're buying it 'below market'. Anything else is more or less 'buy and hoping'. (Nothing inherently 'wrong' with that, it's just not 'investment', in my book.)

    Then again, there's probably good reason to be hopeful. The World Tourism Organization is forecasting 7% annual average growth in tourism to Thailand to 2020 (37million visitors a year!), and something above that for the 'Mekong countries'.
    #17     Apr 17, 2004

  8. Nah. Even though I've had a few (heaps were I lived), Asian chicks don't really do it for me.
    #18     Apr 17, 2004
  9. Yes, all both times in my life I was on a commuter helicopter I really liked it. Only way to fly! LOL

    Do you "like" anyone? Seriously, do you?

    Is it my imagination, or have you or have you not stated on numerous occasions on these very pages that your main intention of participating in ET is to annoy and offend? That you are proud of your natural ability to do so?

    Peace guys,
    #19     Apr 18, 2004
  10. Just my two cents. I've been living and travelling in Asia for several years now and been to many places that most here wouldn't even think of going.

    Make no mistake. ChiangMai, for the adventurous soul, is one terrific slice of heaven. And I'm not talking about the women. Even for the monogamous male or family, it is a beautiful, laid back place to LIVE.
    #20     Apr 18, 2004