Advice - I want to Day Trade / Career

Discussion in 'Professional Trading' started by Philosophicide, Aug 6, 2017.

  1. I am looking for some advice from others from have been down this road already. Should I stick to a University Bcom. or attend a Day-Trading School? (Part of me says Bcom. and studying stocks part time, the other half of me says do this full force with 100% focus.)

    And are there any really good/solid resources you could recommend to me? (I see a lot of "chat rooms" and "courses" and sites, and it's hard to differentiate between what is sketchy and what is trustworthy.)

    [A bit about me]:
    I'm 22 and a second year accounting student, however I've decided accounting is not quite for me. Now I am debating whether I should stick to my undergraduate Bcom., but maybe switch from Accounting to Finance? Or if I would be better off finding a "good" traders school and doing a course on day-trading there?

    I've always been a "numbers guy", so I was a bit stoned-walled when I was realize accounting wasn't for me (I thought it was the right career choice in h.s.). I've done other entrepreneurial ventures in my teens, some failed, some successful, but I've always had an interested in the 'stock market'.

    [What I've currently been doing]:
    Since I do not have a huge capital to work with, I was considering starting out in Penny Stocks. I've been watching a lot of youtube videos (Tim Grittani, Tim Sykes, Ricky Guiterrez, Adam Khoo). Watching Dvds, Tim Sykes Dvds (Penny Stocking + P.S. Part Deux, 6+ Hours). And Books, Japanese Candlesticking, Technical Analysis of Financial Markets, Pring Investing Psychology Explained, An American Hedge Fund. Since I've started studying these sources, I am like so addicted to learning more about it.
    I do not plan to use any real money until I have had some success paper trading.

    Thanks! :)
  2. cvds16


    you could also open an account at oanda, they have nice leverage and you could trade fx or gold. I would be very reluctant to follow daytrading courses. The real money is in swingtrading as I know to well from trying in vain to do that ...
    VPhantom likes this.
  3. algofy


    What the hell is day trading school? Get a degree man.
  4. Visaria


    Do it for a month...when u have lost all your can go and do your that some Indian uni degree?
  5. vanzandt


    SigmaX, bpr, SimpleMeLike and 11 others like this.
  6. CVDS thanks, I'll check that out.

    Visaria, it's at York, basically the same teachers that teach Schulich School of Business, directing classes similar to Schulich. Where are you that you've never heard of a Bcom.?

    I was also considering a Finance + Econ BA., however employers here seem to prefer Bcom. degree holders.

    vanzandt .. LOL .. true. I often wonder if it's just for the sake of being able to "sell something online". Or the big come to this educational conference, and it's just a big upset to something else.
  7. wartrace


    Finish your degree in accounting and learn to trade on your own. If you lack capital consider topsteptrader for funding.
    JasonHu likes this.
  8. Getting a degree won't necessarily make you a better trader...if that is your expectation.
    In fact, I think that will lead to the opposite. College/degree makes you a linear robot thinker to perform a small part of the overall business picture.

    Do both -- if you want to. Or whatever you want to do, o_O

    Trying to be a really great trader is really difficult for the average/typical man to try to accomplish,
    Most people are simply better off getting a normal, straight-laced job in society,

    Trading is all about trying to predict, and/or manage, the future, ...5 minutes from now, 15 mins from now, an hour from now, two hours from now, six hours from now, a day, or week, etc etc
    Most people fail horribly at that, -- even though they think they have a crystal ball or a talent or skill or vision or experience,
    Last edited: Aug 6, 2017
    maxxDovakin likes this.
  9. Get your college degree, no short cuts in this competitive world.
    comagnum likes this.
  10. comagnum


    Advice - I want to Day Trade / Career

    Note how you did not say I want a sustainable career in trading with a decent income. Anyone can day trade - only about 1-4% of them can make a living from it. Every trader I knew that did well first had a career for many years and was a disciplined saver, most had done well investing before getting into trading. And most that tried day trading got clobbered and either returned to their career, some like me switched to swing trading where you likely to do much better.

    When I think of penny stocks I think of a run down trailer with a hard core alcoholic gambling away their pennies for hopes of their next gallon of Night-Train. Penny stocks are scam central. The sweet spot is to get a career, save all you can, and learn to invest & trade while working.
    #10     Aug 6, 2017
    JSOP, Handle123, justrading and 2 others like this.