Advice broker to trade options spread.

Discussion in 'Retail Brokers' started by stasbz, Feb 9, 2019.

  1. stasbz


    Hello everybody.
    Does anybody may advice broker to trade otions spread?
    Normal comission. SPAN margin.
  2. ZBZB


  3. Robert Morse

    Robert Morse Sponsor

    You said SPAN. Is this options on future’s.
  4. stasbz


    Yes, option on futures.
  5. You can do this on Think or Swim. Plus ToS has nice risk graphing.
  6. Robert Morse

    Robert Morse Sponsor

    We do. $25,000 account min. We offer CQG QTrader for Options on futures. Options require risk approval.
    My Option rates start at $0.75/Option and $0.60/Future plus a pass through of CQG, MArket Data, Exchange Clearing and NFA fees.

  7. Overnight


    Hey OMM, while yer here, had a question...I got an e-mail yesterday after market close from the broker about CQG needing all users to log-in to CQG to verify their adherence to the new EULA before they could continue trading in the future. Did you guys get that also?
  8. Robert Morse

    Robert Morse Sponsor

    I would not know, as I'm not a user. Wait until Sunday evening and call CQG support. They can be reached 24/5.
  9. Overnight


    Yeah, was just curious if you saw any notice on your side, through some industry e-mail or something.
  10. Robert Morse

    Robert Morse Sponsor

    I do get emails from CQG but it is about version updates, conferences, webinars etc. I would not get an email about an updated user's agreement.
    #10     Feb 9, 2019
    Overnight likes this.