Advanced Candlestick Resources on the Web

Discussion in 'Educational Resources' started by sunnyskies, Sep 14, 2005.

  1. What I'm looking for is stuff that is not in the books. Like actual application of candlesticks in trading (maybe a blog!?), discussion of candlesticks applied in real trading, discussion of pattern reliability, techniques of combining them with "western analysis" and so on. I DO NOT mean the usual page with 20 pictures of all candlesticks patterns for newbs.
  2. Hi sunnyskies,

    Yourself have a very reliable Hammer Pattern (+75%).

    Thus, you may need to start your own blog or like and do the exact things your asking if there's someone else out there doing.

    Hopefully, someone will contact you after reading your blog and say they will do the same...

    never underestimate inspiration

    Such could be a big plus if they are doing several different patterns in comparison to your Hammer Pattern.

    However, there are blogs out there that do discuss candlestick patterns but they are just like all the rest...

    They mainly discuss the generic stuff you see in most candlestick books and they aren't exclusively trading via candlesticks.

    Last of all, a blog is much better than a journal because you don't have to bother with any off-topic comments or discussions that will dilute the theme of the blog.

    However, blog users aren't seeking as much attention in comparison to those that use the journal forums here at ET.

    Journals arse usually posted by those seeking comments from others and looking for a more diversified audience.

    Whereas a candlestick blog is obvious by someone doing their own thing and not worrying what others have to say.
