Actual Salon Headline: 'Let’s Hope the Boston Marathon Bomber Is a White American'

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Max E., Apr 17, 2013.

  1. Max E.

    Max E.

    LOL, liberalism really is a disease of the mind.

    Actual Salon Headline: 'Let’s Hope the Boston Marathon Bomber Is a White American'

    We have seen some disgraceful reporting of the Boston Marathon bombing the past few days, but this headline at Salon Tuesday could be the worst.

    Let’s Hope the Boston Marathon Bomber Is a White American
    As you might imagine, the author, David Sirota, is a perilously liberal political commentator.

    Last month he participated in a CNN panel that compared supporters of traditional marriage to segregationists and slave owners.

    During last year's summer Olympics, he said he had "pangs of discomfort" watching Americans cheer team USA.

    Now, roughly 24 hours after our nation was once again hit with terrorism, Sirota wrote:

    “White privilege is knowing that even if the bomber turns out to be white, no one will call for your group to be profiled as terrorists as a result, subjected to special screening or threatened with deportation,” writes author Tim Wise. “White privilege is knowing that if this bomber turns out to be white, the United States government will not bomb whatever corn field or mountain town or stale suburb from which said bomber came, just to ensure that others like him or her don’t get any ideas. And if he turns out to be a member of the Irish Republican Army we won’t bomb Dublin. And if he’s an Italian-American Catholic we won’t bomb the Vatican.”

    What Sirota misses is that there are indeed Islamic terrorist groups - in particular al Qaeda - that have expressly declared war on America.

    Maybe he could name some white America organizations that have done the same.

    So what is Sirota's real reason for wanting the bomber to be a white American?

    He fears that if it turns out to be an Islamic terrorist, conservatives will use it "as a reason to block immigration reform defense spending cuts and the Afghan War withdrawal and to further expand surveillance and other encroachments on civil liberties."

    That's quite a reason to hope the bomber is a white American. Why didn't Sirota just pray that he or she isn't an Islamic terrorist? Wouldn't a black or Asian non-Islamic domestic terrorist fit the part as well?

    Not surprisingly, Sirota chose not to address this.

    Read more:
  2. Lucrum


    So what is Sirota's real reason for wanting the bomber to be a white American?

    He fears that if it turns out to be an Islamic terrorist, conservatives will use it "as a reason to block immigration reform defense spending cuts and the Afghan War withdrawal and to further expand surveillance and other encroachments on civil liberties."

    How does someone that fucking stupid even manage to tie his own shoes?
  3. LEAPup


    Liberalism sure is a mental illness, no question. Worse, I find liberals to be America's worth threat.
  4. Disgusting, but sadly comes as no surprise. If it's a Islamic terroist, or any other foreign terror group that is responsible, then the left has to circle the wagons providing cover for Dear Leader. That makes their job more difficult. We simply cannot have a terrorist attack on his watch. Conversely, if it's a home grown nut case...let the media feeding frenzy begin. No doubt they're praying to whatever gods they believe in for it to be a white guy with a rebel flag tatooed on his arm, drives a pick-up, has a gun rack, and a plastic Jesus on the dashboard.
  5. LEAPup


    ABSOLUTELY AGREED!!!!!!!!!!! Great post!
  6. Oh, HELL YES!

    Wouldn't want the terrorist to be an Islamic.. where the MSM would conveniently brand him as a "one-off crazy lunatic"... rather it be a whitey so they could "tar with the same brush"... the Tea Party, Republicans, Conservatives.

    :( :(
  7. Ricter


    Let's just hope they draw and quarter whoever did it. Especially if it's a nazi rightwing skinhead up from Texas for vacation.
  8. Max E.

    Max E.


  9. "Especially", what if it is a Pennsylvania or Indiana skinhead? you foul bigot.
  10. Ricter


    You're right.

    Especially if it's a nazi rightwing skinhead from the US.

    : )
    #10     Apr 17, 2013