“Conservatives” Are Single-Largest Ideological Group

Discussion in 'Politics' started by jficquette, Jun 15, 2009.

  1. Whether they call themselves 'conservative' or 'liberal' IMO they all seem to be only about expanding their own power & grabbing as much loot for themselves as they can. They do this by constantly increasing the size of "the state". They are all statists. (And "the state" is nothing more than a concept made up of the lawyer fabricated gobble-gook by which these 'leaders' bamboozle the citizenry and get them to blindly go along with the robbery. - - - Its been going on for a long time, in this country since the beginning & the time of the battle between Jefferson and Hamilton. Jefferson was a true liberal in its original sense, and thought that the nation should be about protecting individual political liberty & property rights, and leaving others alone. Hamilton wanted a powerful centralized government that would be a vehicle for control by the new 'elites' (including himself, of course) and for establishing a new American empire. Hamilton also worked hard to establish a federal government run nation and a US central bank.
    Ron Paul was the only candidate that had an ounce of knowledge of these matters, or a true dedication to the founding principles of the country. Given the sorry state of the dumb populace, I'm surprised he got as far as he did.
    #11     Jun 15, 2009
  2. Naw, it was a vote for "the brother"
    #12     Jun 15, 2009
  3. A lot of moderates are really Democrats. They just don't like the word liberal.
    #13     Jun 15, 2009
  4. Typical left-wing response. If you don't like the results of a study, simply say the study is bogus and continue to be driven by left-wing dogma.
    #14     Jun 15, 2009
  5. The study simply says they identify themselves as conservatives. It has nothing to do with Bush.
    #15     Jun 15, 2009

  6. the fact that blacks supported Obama OBVIOUSLY means that they were just following with what they have been doing since at least the 60s with an overwhelming Democrat vote. Al Gore got 90% of black votes and even John Kerry got almost that %.
    did you imagine that they voted for Bush?
    #16     Jun 15, 2009
  7. jem


    my experience as well.

    but I am beginning to sense that the dems are way over confident.

    seriously. the desire for lower taxes is so strong among people with jobs that in social settings I have seen democrats been belittled when they suggest we spend more money and raise taxes.

    Seriously what thinking person with a job (besides a government worker) thinks we should pay more taxes.

    The only ones who do are the ones eating from the government trough. Like that shithead Buffett.

    I still can't believe he was pretending to care about the working man as his company moodys was allowing their pensions to be destroyed with b.s. bond ratings.

    Sure warren suggest we raise taxes as your company gives toxic debt your top rating so it can be purchased as an investment grade bond by pension funds.

    When is barney frank going to look into that?
    #17     Jun 15, 2009
  8. There is a HUGE difference between fiscal conservatives and social conservatives. That's why Libertarians are such a significant group.
    #18     Jun 16, 2009
  9. I'm a registered Republican and view myself as a strong libertarian. I supported Ron Paul.

    I find it unfortunate that the word "liberal" is given such negative connotations. All it means is support of progressive action or reform. Sometimes it is good to no longer maintain the status-quo. No one can argue about.

    And yet it's sad how certain "redneck" Republicans assume liberal means some evil form of ideology or so forth.
    #19     Jun 16, 2009
  10. And so obviously you find it "unfortunate" that the word conservative is villified by the losers in the media, in college campuses, the Castro, etc. And also you must find it offensive that the term you use "Redneck" has been made synonymous with a political party. Either that or you are full of it.
    #20     Jun 16, 2009