Ace Trades

Discussion in 'Index Futures' started by scams up, Mar 16, 2020.

  1. scams up

    scams up

    Anyone know anything about this website?
  2. IAlwaysWin


    It sucks and so do you for wasting my time.
    Last edited: Mar 16, 2020
  3. scams up

    scams up

    Nice guy thx
  4. scams up

    scams up

    Also thx for the helpful info.
  5. IAlwaysWin


    If you want someone to critique your site just ask. You went about it the wrong way. If this is your attempt at marketing your business then you definitely don't have confidence in your product and should probably hire a marketing professional. Spamming forums with out dated methods will make people want to buy for sure, way to go buddy!
  6. scams up

    scams up

    Not marketing anything. Sounds like you are.
  7. scams up

    scams up

    So you have purchased the product tried it and have verifiable results to share?
  8. scams up

    scams up

    Or just expressing your opinion?
  9. scams up

    scams up

    Ok thx. Was i in the wrong area?
    #10     Mar 17, 2020
    SimpleMeLike likes this.