about tradestation

Discussion in 'Retail Brokers' started by daytrademargin, Mar 16, 2007.

  1. Tums


    is it that difficult to hook up Quotetracker to IB ?
    #21     Mar 16, 2007
  2. Quotetracker is badly programmed software. Jerry Medved did a horrible job with it. Ameritrade made a wrong move when they purchased Jerry Medved quotetracker. If you hook up your datafeed to quotetracker, then you WILL LOSE.

    There are other FREE charting software with Live data fee out there. Go to www.download.com and do a search. Lots of good ones.
    #22     Mar 16, 2007
  3. Fair enough. Plenty of choice. So what is the problem then? Are all the product offerings equivalent in value? If so, why do you even need to consider TS?

    Is it maybe because there could be more to it than just a simple free data feed. Backtesting software perhaps? Better charting package with more bells and whistles? Support for automation?

    Ever heard of some stupid economic term called comparative advantage?

    Who cares about what it costs to TS to source its data? The question really is how much is it worth to you in the context of their product offering?

    If you do not agree with their pricing policy just walk away!

    If you are right about it, the market will agree with you and correct any discrepancies in due course. If not, well you'll bitch about it on ET hoping to get a free ride!

    #23     Mar 16, 2007


    If you can't afford $25 or $50 a month then maybe trading isn't for you. Second, if it's such a big deal then go elsewhere where you'll get your free data feed. I doubt anyone is holding a gun to your head to keep an account open, whether it be a live account or demo.

    PS I doubt Tradestation is a non-profit organization. Rather, they're a business attempting to make money. They have every right to charge for various products and services they provide to clients.
    #24     Mar 16, 2007
  5. If tradestation can't afford to give customers free data feeds for CME futures then maybe tradestation is in the wrong business and should stick with stocks. Nobody has nothing good to say about tradestation except tradesation employees who are on here making fraud fake comments about them. Just another sleazy tradestation tactic.
    #25     Mar 16, 2007
  6. I never seen someone get upset about a $25 a month for a BUSINESS EXPENSE. Don't you spend more then that on lunch for you and your significant other???

    I love tradestation. I don't work for them, don't get any kickbacks or whatever else you think. The charts are great, very easy to use and can do anything I can think of. The TS forums are a great resource for any trader. So to say no one likes tradestation is outrageous.

    It is my guess that you are a newbie and expect things for free. And if you have to pay for something that you feel should be free you get all upset. What about commisions?? Do you think they should be free also? I mean how much does it take to clear your 1-2 lot trade?? I bet a lot less then what you are getting charged. Does this mean that the clearing firm is ripping you off to??

    There is nothing free in this game. If you think there is, or should be, you are in for a rude awakening.
    #26     Mar 16, 2007
  7. Obviously this trader273 nickname is a tradestation employee. His nickname is even similar to tradestation. They sound alike. Tradestation is getting more sleazy every day.
    #27     Mar 16, 2007
  8. HA!! imagine that. A message board for TRADERS about TRADING and i have Trader in my nick name. Wait a minute...elite TRADER, sounds pretty close to TRADEstation. I bet they are the same company and out to get you!!!

    Good detective work jackass.
    #28     Mar 16, 2007
  9. maxpi


    There is no overcharging going on here. Tradestation charges a certain amount and they get customers. IB would have to pay me about $100 an hour to look at that horrible stuff they have and I would charge even more to use buggy third party stuff too.

    You seem to want to force businesses to price things, why don't you go to IB and see if you can cut us TS users a deal, pay us a few grand a month to use their charts?

    I have TS on the other monitor here, everything set up like I need it to be, great look/feel, I can glance over there and in 2 seconds know whether I need to act or not and what to do. If I had an IB chart up there it would be 2 seconds before my vision could force itself to start trying to figure out what I'm looking at, and with some buggy freebie third party stuff I would be wondering if it was telling me anything I need to know.. as business expenses go, data and charting is tiny compared to what almost any other business has to spend.
    #29     Mar 16, 2007
  10. DHOHHI


    It's their business ... and they (Tradestation) can charge for data, software or whatever they decide. You are a client and if you don't agree with the costs of doing business with them then you need to find someone else. For someone to come on ET and bitch about $25/month is laughable. Every business has costs ... trading included.

    Oh yeah .. if no one has anything good to say about Tradestation then why are you with them? And I'm not an employee or user of their software just someone who realizes a trader has expenses to incur.
    #30     Mar 16, 2007