About SOCIALISM in Cuba. I am Cuban..ask me about my experience

Discussion in 'Economics' started by jueco2005, May 13, 2009.

  1. Sadly it happens. When you have an economic depression for so long and you see buildings, roads, schools, cars, bridges FALLING DOWN................moral values will not take long to start falling too.
    #31     May 13, 2009
  2. Tourists need to eat mothers/sisters/girlfriends/aunts/etc.?

    #32     May 13, 2009
  3. toc


    'moral values will not take long to start falling too.'

    moral values remain intact if there is GOD in the life. there are many other countries more poor than Cuba but such degradation of morality does not occur.

    Castro tried to replace GOD and inflicted extreme pain and hunger on his people. Very sad!
    #33     May 13, 2009
  4. Don't mean to be indelicate... "donkey" shows?
    #34     May 13, 2009
  5. NOt really. Just normal stuff. For what I know.
    #35     May 13, 2009
  6. You do know that god is a fictional character, right?
    #36     May 13, 2009
  7. Your comment is too simple and naive. You need to leave someone's experience to understand them.
    #37     May 13, 2009
  8. ElCubano


    exactly...there are 12-13 yr olds doing this. It is sad and a by product of desperation.

    When you combine tourist and a people who are desperate that is what happens and it is sad. God has nothing to do with it.
    #38     May 13, 2009
  9. Humpy


    I seem to remember Batista was propped up by gambling and prostitution run by the American Mafia.

    High ideals from Fidel and co. getting rid of that lot but then degenerated the country into a crumbling ruin. Ably assisted by the USA's petulant attitude and economic blockade.

    Time to call it quits and re-build imho

    Socialism means well but you gotta eat too and you can't eat lofty ideals.
    Our Gordon Brown has pretty near bankrupted this country with all his socialist nonsense about social engineering etc.
    #39     May 13, 2009
  10. Oh, yes! Well, the only way we could get any goods was the black market. In fact, one of the wonders of the Soviet Union was that it survived so long, but when it fell western economists found out just how large a black market was operating in the USSR. You'll die waiting for government to produce the promised basic necessities. In fact, Gorbachev's attempt at cracking down on the black market had disastrous effects - all goods disappeared off store shelves.

    This is something Americans haven't learned yet (well, re-learned, because America was founded on the principles of liberty). The government will not take care of you because it has no incentive to. Government actors are as self-interested as you are but they have more guns.
    #40     May 13, 2009